conferência de imprensa

-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
O jogador mudou de time devido a trocas (Krakes) -- 59 T 21 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
O jogador mudou de time devido a trocas (ZaLGeRis) -- 59 T 21 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
why? -- 59 T 22 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
哇,这是没看清还是手抖了 -- 59 T 22 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
bomb!!!!!!!!!!!! -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
1潜换10潜,屁事都没有?GM呢?药店碧莲? -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
bomb!!!!!!!!!!!! -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
坐等屁事没有 -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
这个不ban,难以服众! -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
很合理的交易,对 很合理 -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
这已经不是两个pig能解决的了。ban了吧 -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
这是一个完美的案例,完美的展现了GM是如何选择性执法的,对于此事,我们深感欣慰,并充分理解该游戏有多么的缺乏公平! -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
bomb!!!!!!!!!!!! -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
这是个好机会啊,大家抓紧时间开小号,用大号搞个1潜的去换啊,快啊,这是GM在给我们提高实力的大好时机啊。 -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Lithuanians have lost their faces in front of the international friends -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
天朝的交易,稍微有点不平衡的苗头,3小时不到就ban了,效率堪称高效。立陶宛的交易,明显作弊,5天过去了GM却装聋作哑,呵呵。 -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
你们没看明白么?中国球员的一潜力等价于立陶宛的十潜力! -- 59 T 26 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
-- 59 T 27 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Another day passed, no waves, GM is to use the practical action to prove the fairness of the game
-- 59 T 27 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
ban! -- 59 T 27 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
wonderful trade!Maybe i should copy some trade like this in the follow seasons. -- 59 T 27 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
真的,人不要脸鬼都怕。 -- 59 T 27 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
我出国人球员1潜力,换立陶宛10潜力,有没有换的~ -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
GM, I just because a pen does not have this pen over the transaction was punished, Lithuania made the frenzied trading game player, you can be completely indifferent, it is legal, because the law is the same to everyone. So I hope you can understand, tell me, what exactly are you doing?. -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
我出国人5潜力+垃圾合同换立陶宛10潜力年轻人 -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
火柴头你是真NB,选择性执法,只手遮天。 -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
哎,GM这样弄真的没意思,不该ban的交易,看是中国的就ban得雷厉风行,该ban的,看是立陶宛的就装聋作哑。 -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
This entire trade drama going on here is wearing on me. I am going to put my two cents in and try to shut it down. The issue is the Chinese players and the trades that they have had that have been deemed fraudulent. Here is the deal. Chinese, community, I agree that with you that some of your trades that were deemed fraudulent were probably good intentioned trades. The problem is, that your community has been guilty of obvious fraudulent trades in the past (one that I know of from first hand knowledge, and this one trade that I have first hand knowledge of being fraudulent is one of the trades often discussed). Also, the "fixing" of games done by your community. You have to understand that every action deems a reaction. The overall reaction to the "fixing" the games as well as some fraudulent trades is that your communities actions are now looked at under a microscope. My suggestion, play the game and play the game the right way and over time, it won't be automatic, you have to build trust, then your community will be respected enough again that every transaction wont be looked at as harshly. The fixed games really hurt your credibility. Stop the fixed games, make sure your all your trades are for the benefit of both teams involved and then I believe you will be a respected community in bballzone again. Don't help each other by "rigging" the system, help each other with advice and teaching each other. I for one appreciate the Chinese community here at Bballzone and look forward to many seasons with them in the future trying to beat them.

It is the actions of the few that makes the rest have consequences. Fix the community, fix the issues. I always tell the kids, hey, if everyone just did the right thing, we wouldn't have to have rules. Fixing games, purposely losing so that another Chinese team makes the top 16 or playoffs, this is not the right thing and makes your communities actions with each other targeted. Stop fixing games, behave independent of each other, make sure your trades are for the benefit of both teams, and then your country will be respected and not looked at so closely in every interaction. Just run your team like a team of the Chinese Basketball Association. It is bad that many within the Chinese community have had to suffer from the actions of the few. Again, I appreciate the Chinese community here in Bballzone and look forward to trying to compete with them.
-- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
lašas po lašo ir akmenį pratašo, kinai laimėjo :D -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
-- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Ne kinai laimėjo, o Bbzone laimėjo, nes čia tikrai nesąmoningi mainai, lietuviai gal tiek ir nesireiškė, bet manau, kad nemažai reportinančių buvo :D -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
galima pasiginčyt, šitas pavyzdys gal ir nėra geriausias, bet užknisa, kaip darydamas mainus turi žiūrėt , kad dar ir 3 asmeniui atrodytų gerai. esi antiek suvaržytas ir dar nori damest apribojimų daugiau. tavo mainai irgi nebuvo labai sąžiningi, bet sausas išlipai :D -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Nu maniškiai logikos daugiau turėjo. O kai mainai 1pot į 10pot, tai čia ir taip akivaizdu, kad niekam gerai neatrodys. Jei visi taip pradėtų mainyt ir liktų nenubausti, pažiūrėtume, ar neužsimanytum apribojimų :D -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Nieko, gal siek tiek ir buvo nesazininga, daugiau ant tokiu mainu nepasimausiu. Geriau varzybas trowinti bent nenubaus. -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
eeeee cia isvis nesamone kazkoka man ir zaideja ateme del to kad ziurejau i komandos ateiti sutaupydamas ir turedamas garantuotai 5sezonus nebloga centra. kas cia nelogisko jus man pasakykit???? -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
normaliai juda bahurai :D :D -- 59 T 28 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
依然没有任何动静,所谓的公平就是打自己的脸 -- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
andrius1986 - i ateiti su 1 sezonu kontartu?Tu cia rimtai? Del ko cia tu pasirasiaia ant tokio? -- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
tiksliau Potencialas: Katastrofiškas (1) ir i ateiti? -- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Above the American friends
Fair? Trust?
When cheating in China, other countries players protested, GM will react quickly, shut down or fine, abnormal action quickly.
We support the rapid processing of all cheats, of course。
But When Lithuania players, France and The other players
when a player is cheating, GM is how to do? Why no as a long time, why Chinese players can be treated differently, who kind of cause, the fruit of who.
Please touch your conscience to ask, GM really do it fair and trust。
Such a obvious cheating deal, again after such a long time to protest just ended up with a fine, this is the so-called fairness and trust you say?
What's more, the French friends that deal, after nearly two years, but no response。

We trust judgment truly fair principle is: consistency


-- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
要全世界玩家联名不? -- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Longxia, I don't believe that possibly that you did not understand what exactly I had typed. I stated my piece some of the questions you asked are answered in my post. Hopefully you can look at it again carefully and see the answers to your questions. However, I am not going to be pulled into the drama. I wish you the best of luck. -- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
American friends, your suggestion is very good, hope that GM can see your proposal, but at the same time, focus on the future best balance at present, how to fix the trust? Equally, only when you use the same way to dispose of the same things, trust to rebuild, otherwise, the Arabian nights, insane

-- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Agree, just maybe a little more patience in all areas is needed is all. -- 59 T 29 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Ok,let's end this post and enjoy the game! -- 59 T 30 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
立陶宛的gm是吃屎的吗?真是黑的不行,Krakes不是ZaLGeRis的小号就是傻逼 -- 60 T 59 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
楼上挖坟的的,仔细看鬼佬23号就被ban了的…… -- 60 T 59 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
haha,jajaja321 -- 60 T 59 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)