Interview of Šabas and Darys!


we got quite a few entries for the interviews this week and we'll release them in a few parts.

We start up with Lithuanian federation president Šabas and community legend Darys who have interviewed each other and earned 2.000 credits each! 

Darys, how you came up with the idea to make the viral investigation video about cheating in BasketPulse game?

It was just a normal day of finding the right players to trade on BasketPulse. And I just found an interesting character who had made a lot of trades with the same teams from the lower leagues. "Interesting" - I thought and started checking all those teams. Since nobody reads these days, I decided to draw attention with a video.

Your previous team name was: "grave magic". What do you have in mind with such name?

Since it wasn't my first team, I thought I needed to rise from the ashes. Phoenix is worn out and not interesting to me, so I just called myself "Grave" and "Magic" because at that time I was watching Harry Potter movie where there was a lot of magic.

You are long time in the game (of course I'm even longer with short gaps) what do you miss the most from the previous times or previous ME?

I miss when I could borrow two players. I still don't understand this change. This update did not bring any tangible benefit to the game.

You have long experience and showed the good results even in WL1 in previous but now you are playing only in WL4 is there some kind of rebel, are the games getting stronger, or you have some kind of plan? What is it?

I just went bankrupt. I was hoping to stay at WL1.1. It didn't work. I was hoping to stay in WL2. It also failed. A vicious cycle has begun. Bankruptcy, relegation and bankruptcy again... But I'm not giving up, now it's even more interesting because you have to think of a plan to get back to where you were, rather than just being average in some league and picking your nose.

In your opinion what is the biggest legend in BasketPulse and why?

There are many users to mention, but it is clear that Captain Obvious is a legend. And of course - ronas.

The game is changing a lot in your opinion what is the future of the game?

I don't see any future. To be honest, I don't even think about it. I'm not a magician, even though my team was called that.

What do you think: will Arvydas Sabonis get back on the court for one more game?

I saw that Birutis extended his contract, unfortunately, but there is no place left for Sabonis. Thus my answer is no.

Darys: If you could have any superpower, but it only worked on BasketPulse, what would it be?

Šabas: Damn good question. I think in this case I take possibility to read peoples mind. I could read other players tactics, cheatings, and still get in hot chicks minds (hope there is at lest few of them).

On the basketball court, would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or a ten duck-sized horses?

Horses definitely horses. Except if we play the H_O_R_S_E.

If you were a vegetable, what would come to your mind closest to basketball?

Watermelon, pumpkin or melon ...I think melon.

If BasketPulse had an international holiday, what day would it be and how should it be celebrated?

Friday. It should be celebrated the old fashioned CO style.

Honeybees can recognize human faces. Aren't you afraid to play on outdoor courts now?

Answer to 3 question is pumpkin in this way,

If animals could talk, which one do you think would be the best trash talker on the basketball court?
The bitch ...I know some - they definitely can trash talk.

What song would be best for BasketPulse? And for some reason this song sounds in my ears - Fugees - Killing Me Softly. Perhaps you know why?

Oh yes, this one its definitely better than the BasketPulse anthem and is closer to the game.

Your team name translates to something like a messy bushy place. Tell me more about messy bushy places.
Exactly, when i was younger I had the gang with the same name because we liked those places.

Thank you very much. I hope your mood is not broken after this poor interview.
Otherway round, it's the best interview I ever had. AI did great job with the questions - soon i will leave the set the tactics for it.

Have a good read, more interesting stuff is coming in a few days!

Notícias do jogo: Interview of Šabas and Darys!
-- 98 T 30 d.
Interviews of Šabas and Darys!
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
Weird yet funny 2nd interview. -- 98 T 30 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)