Darījuma informācija


Pārrunu sākšana 2019-08-15- 10:52
Pārrunu beigšana 2019-08-15- 22:23
Ierobežojumu līmenis 7
Elie Kalil
Alga: 9561 Eu
Līgums: 4 S Vecums: 29 g.
RT: 240 Garums: 204 cm.
Potenciāls: 3
sun . zhāng
Alga: 9240 Eu
Līgums: 1 S Vecums: 31 g.
RT: 238 Garums: 197 cm.
Potenciāls: 7
flag Paco Tufemur
Alga: 17000 Eu
Līgums: 5 S Vecums: 25 g.
RT: 225 Garums: 195 cm.
Potenciāls: 10
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji: PINAR KSK & BC IPO
-- 71 S 25 d.
Komanda izteica maiņas darījuma piedāvājumu
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Parādīt paslēptās ziņas: 6
Kalil played 123 matches in 3 seasons; in 16,7 minutes average scored 327 points (2,7 points average) with %69 free throw %51,7 2 pointers %16,6 3 pointers got 363 rebounds (3,0 rebounds average) made 147 assists (1,2 assists average) made 125 steals (1,0 steal average) made 43 turnovers (0,35 turnover average) made 19 blocks (0,15 block average) achieved 549 total rankings (4,5 rankings average) achieved +829 total in +- (+6,7 average in +-), thanks again to Kalil and wish success in his later career... -- 71 S 26 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Zhang played 285 matches in 6 seasons, played 19,5 minutes average scored 2356 points total (8,3 points average) with 598/903 free throws (%66,2) 790/1972 2 pointers (%40,0) 56/272 3 pointers (%20,6) got 605 rebounds (2,1 rebounds average) made 441 assists (1,55 assist average) made 219 steals (0,77 steal average) made 476 turnovers (1,67 turnover average) made 136 blocks (0,48 block average) achieved 1631 total rankings (5,72 rankings average) achieved +2188 total in +- (+7,68 average in +-); been one of my best all-time players, thanks again to zhang and wish success in his later career... -- 71 S 26 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Tufemur succeeded to be best SG in national league, congrats... -- 72 S 63 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)