Darījuma informācija


Pārrunu sākšana 2019-03-18- 16:21
Pārrunu beigšana 2019-03-18- 17:51
Ierobežojumu līmenis 7
Milan Čavka
Alga: 14169 Eu
Līgums: 3 S Vecums: 24 g.
RT: 231 Garums: 206 cm.
Potenciāls: 10
Leo Franco Cerro
Alga: 6790 Eu
Līgums: 2 S Vecums: 27 g.
RT: 220 Garums: 192 cm.
Potenciāls: 7
Joël Leray
Alga: 6353 Eu
Līgums: 2 S Vecums: 29 g.
RT: 218 Garums: 180 cm.
Potenciāls: 7
Gérard Gomes
Alga: 4635 Eu
Līgums: 4 S Vecums: 26 g.
RT: 210 Garums: 190 cm.
Potenciāls: 3
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji: Rijeka & BKB
-- 69 S 1 d.
Komanda izteica maiņas darījuma piedāvājumu
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Parādīt paslēptās ziņas: 7
Strange decision. No point to keep playing this game due to undertain rules -- 69 S 6 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Teams facing bankruptcy will not be allowed to gift their best players to other teams (friends or alts) for players that can easily be found on the market or players that will end up leaving the team during bankruptcy proceedings anyway. This was stated at the beginning of the season. -- 69 S 6 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
sad to see a french player leave .... :( -- 69 S 7 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)