Preses konferences

Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji
-- 101 S 2 d.
Laukiu mainu
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
-- 101 S 2 d.
Sveiki, priminkit kas galit rėmėjų 1% skaičius, ačiū
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Parādīt paslēptās ziņas: 3
Žiūri kiek lygos remėjas duoda ir tavo tikslas yra surinkti iš kitų remėjų panašią ir didesnę sumą -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Pereini per kelias komandas savo lygoje ir ziuri klubo aprasyme kiek jos gauna is remeju. Atimi is tos sumos lygos remejo duodamus pinigus ir gauni kiek is viso duoda remejai. Padalini is 100, gauni 1% finansavima. Su salyga, kad kitos komandos jau pasirasusios visus remejus -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Aciu uz informacija,kita sezona reikes jau megint atsakingiau pasirasyt remejus, gyveni ir mokais :D -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Spēlētājs: Alex Lemaire (RT: 60)
-- 101 S 2 d.
Spēlētājs ir akceptējis līgumu, ko tavs klubs ir piedāvājis
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
He's going to be something special I'll tell you! -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji
-- 101 S 1 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
trade all -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Spēlētājs: Gianfranco Zannoni (RT: 78)
-- 101 S 2 d.
Klubs parakstījis līgumu ar skautu atrastu spēlētāju
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Wow! Bankrupt? Congratz -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Non credo proprio ma sei sempre libero di fare un'offerta. -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji
-- 101 S 2 d.
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji
-- 101 S 1 d.
This player has 7 potential to be traded to any school
Y. Valvidia
該俱樂部希望交易這名球員 11 26 209 284 4 100 % 12 8 12 12 3 5 10 10 5 3 6 8 8
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
1 -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji
-- 101 S 2 d.
Apsvarstyčiau kokybiško snaiperio M. Ratelio mainus į šiek tiek prastesnį/vyresnį/vienų m kontrakto C/PF pozicijos žaidėją:
Taip pat C/PF domintų ir pasiskolinimui.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji
-- 101 S 2 d.
galiu padet sutaupyti
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Spēles jaunumi: Season 100 review!
-- 101 S 1 d.
Season 100 review!
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Parādīt paslēptās ziņas: 15
Is dribbling useless or is just nobody training it? There are no official big changes to the engine but there seem to be many chances of the best build in last seasons. I think we need more tests to see how dribbling works I can say that it helps if you have a leader player with dribbling.
Traditional PG works fine it is just a meta thing that you want to see stats and numbers on a player the thing is that traditional pg sucks at ranking but usually gets good +/- and they are seen as a risk because if they can't shoot then opponents can double defence.
I was doing some testing building team with mainly 2m shooters in youth my last season and it did underperform based on rt but I can see that there are positions, tactics and skill combinations where 2m works better than 2c or 3p. So 2c and 3p teams are just manager things, not the admin's fault.

All issues that are mentioned above aren't easy to fix and could change the balance of the game and create multiple new issues, meanwhile, new features are separated from important parts of the game.
-- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Dribbling is useless. I have a few players with 12/13 and the effect just isn't there. Not in the sense of fewer TOs or better shot positions. I was training it as a differential advantage. Also in my experience, comparing players with identical supporting skills and the same skill in 2M or 3P perform different in the sense that the player skill ratio for midrangers is lower than for 3-point shooters. Tis is not tested, just my observation. -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
in my observation dribbling helps with fast breaks and yes it doesn't give you a better shot position but it gives you a better shot % and also generates more fouls. I agree that shooting 2m is harder than 2m but it kinda balances the game because there is nothing scarier a player that can shoot from 2c or 3p and have decent 2m, there is literally no way to stop him because even if you focus all defence on him he will kill you from line. I also got the feeling that it is easier to shoot 2m on a comparable % to 3p from pg and pf , based on that I have a theory that tgh is more important with 2m which is why 2m shooters suck. There is no question that 2m works differently from 3p i 2c but the advantage with free throws is huge. -- 101 S 2 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)