First BP Davis Cup!

The first ever BP Davis Cup has finished and I would like to share klinx's review of the cup. Great initiative by Šabas and all the federations participating! Have a good read!

Hi everybody, this first edition took place between Lithuania, France, and Spain. We decided to organize this contest with 3 teams from each federation. Sabas wanted to play with WL2, WL3 and WL4 teams, but unfortunately, France had no team in WL2 (And that will change with Hanam next season, congratulation to him!), so I proposed WL3, WL4 and WL5. We agreed on this, but as Spain and Lithuania had a lot of players interested, they decided to play WL2 teams against each other, and play with WL5 team against France.

The first matches were between France and Lithuania. It started very good for France federation, because Blackmamba17 won easily his match against Mantas098’s team, who collapsed after the half of the game, tiredness of his player supposed to be greatly responsible. Then alissa42 with an amazing 2nd quarter, and a solid 2nd half, took over andriuss in this second match. Last game of this first journey saw the Crazy Kouzu against PIRANIJOS, and we hoped for a perfect day with 3 wins. Unfortunately for us, and fortunately for the Lithuanian player, his team won, despite an amazing 4th quarter of Lutincompris’s team. But ekstrasensas saved the honour and won a point for his country, congrats!

Second day, the WL2 matches between Mantas3223 (ITS DAME TIME from Lithuania) and Mikecuc (CB CUCALON from Spain) took place in a very close game won by only 5 points for the Lithuanian federation member. Back in WL5 with Blackmamba17 who had to confirm his domination against the dangerous team of Laplace. That match was amazing, very close until the middle of the 3rd quarter where Mamba’s members made a small lead, and then CBBaladoni never came back.

On the third day of this competition, Lutincompris was fighting against Usandizaga, and once against, the match was really close! In the 3rd quarter, Crazy Kouzu was only leading by 2 points against the Catalonia Vikings. Then the players made a little break, and they keep it up to the end of the match, winning by a short 8 points. For the last game of this 3rd journey, alissa42 was favourite against TheFashionetty, and that match was closer than we could expected. Indeed, no team take a real advantage before the half, then Andrézieux accelerated the rhythm and won the match.

And for the last day of this Davis Cup, the WL4 match showed us a really angry andriuss after the defeat against alissa42, so he put all his anger on TheFashionetty’s team Lucifer’s Angels and blew them out with 22 points. The other games that have started this day was between Usandizaga from Spain federation Wytia for Lithuania. They won by 20 points in this last game, making Lithuanian finishing at the 2nd place of this Tournament.

France won this first BP Davis Cup, with 5 points, just in front of Lithuanian with 4 points. Congratulations to alissa42, Lutincompris and Blackmamba17 for this win. They earn 200 credits each, well deserved.

Next season we want to be stricter on the rules about teams that can play. We wish other countries to participate too, so Sabas and I (klinx) are open to DM from president federation that would like to participate to this competition. We project to have at least 6 nations to compete, that would make it really more fun. Thanks for everybody that participated, and thanks for reading.

Spēles jaunumi: First BP Davis Cup!
-- 96 S 63 d.
First BP Davis Cup!
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Parādīt paslēptās ziņas: 1
Well done :) would be nice if WL1 teams could also play ;) -- 97 S 1 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Really nice idea! If the European Federation want to play in this tournement, i can be one of the teams representing it for the WL4 slot. -- 97 S 1 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Great job, I need some of my time to organize it correctly with the Spanish users but it has been a good initial experiment -- 97 S 1 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)