​Coaches and training updates


Coaches and training updates

We would like to introduce our plans about the upcoming updates.
We are starting to work with these updates right now. It will be split into a few smaller updates and introduced into the game little by little.
We hope to see the first updates in one or two weeks!

Players’ training
By developing BasketPulse we always tried to make this game “time friendly” as much as possible. This is why we do not have “live” auctions and similar things that you could find in other similar games. 
The current training system requires users to adjust training every day and that is what we want to change.
Also the current system allows deliberately damaging players that are purchased by another team in the restricted market.

This is why we decided that the training system needs to be updated:
  1. There will no longer be “intensity” setting in the training page
  2. Player’s shape will not affect health and injuries. Player’s shape will affect only his performance/tiredness during the match and his training effectiveness. So having a player not in perfect shape won`t be a huge problem.
  3. Everyday player`s shape will go a bit towards perfection. In the first season it will be similar to having intensity with 0 or with 100%. 
  4. From the next season (90th) instead of increasing tiredness directly in the match engine, we will reduce the speed by how much players are going towards perfect shape daily. This way instead of increasing tiredness for a single match, the shape will be like “long-term tiredness”. So teams will be encouraged to get more players not only because they get tired during the game but also because your players’ shape becomes bad.
  5. We plan to change a bit how training is calculated. We understand that with the new ME players will get a bit less playing time. So we need to compensate for these lost minutes somehow. The goal is that the training outcome would be similar to what was before these updates.
  6. In the beginning of the season the shape won't be completely reverted to perfect, but instead it will move a bit towards “Almost prepared”. 
  7. Experience of players in basketball school will increase a bit faster.

Coaches update
Firstly, we would like to remind you that this update is possible because you contributed towards it in our inner crowd-funding.

Coaches’ roles
As we plan to update coaches training and create improvement jumps, we decided that we need to have roles of the coaches.

Coaches will be split into three roles:
  1. Main coach (one in the team)
  2. Assistant coach (maximum 3 in the team)
  3. Training coach (all other coaches)
Team owner will decide the role of each coach. 
During the match only the main coach and assistants will be used.
During the training all coaches will be used.

Training of coaches
Coaches' training is very outdated and needs to be completely re-written. 
We have the idea to increase age influence. So younger coaches would develop faster.
If we have enough time, we would like to make training dependent on the role.
For example, training of assistant coaches and training coaches would depend on head coach's level.
And training of head coaches would depend on the level the team is playing in. 
However this is still an idea depending on our resources and other factors.

Coaches' improvement jumps
As coach's lifecycle is even bigger than player's, it is incredibly long period to raise a new coach. Improvement jumps would help raising coaches faster and it is one of the key points of this update.
Only head coaches and assistant coaches would be qualified for improvement jumps. Exact details will be provided later but we expect that it will depend on these parameters:
  • Minimum age
  • Minimum potential
  • Strong league compared to coach level
  • Team results (win/loss ratio) 

Possibility to requalify players to coaches
After retirement some players will automatically start coaching career. 
Also users will be able to pay credits to requalify any retired player to coach. However, every new coach will go to the market and will be available for everybody.

Coach page updates
We would like to see more information on the coaches page. Such as coach achievements and coach history (team in which the coach was the head coach or assistant coach)

If you have some ideas about coaches just post here. We will definitely read everything and if we find something useful, we will try to use it during these updates. 

Thank you!

-- 89 S 3 d.
Information about the upcoming changes in Training and Coaches system in News!
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Parādīt paslēptās ziņas: 104
LittleMister Frankebasta
The current player status only produces a natural increase or decrease in pressure based on playing time, -2 when not playing, and when these adjustments cause the player shape to change, the system gives a +-6 bounce back to the original point. This seems a bit different from the original description, but apparently there is no need to worry about the player's shape this season.
-- 89 S 19 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
i have few players who get - in form with 70-80% tiredness in game. it was pretty big - (-3 and -4) -- 89 S 19 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Thank you for the tip.
I will try that next
-- 89 S 19 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)