Mainų informacija


Derybų pradžia 2023-05-08- 00:03
Derybų pabaiga 2023-05-08- 00:04
Apribojimų lygis 7
flag Heng Qiu
Alga: 4929 Eu
Kontraktas: 1 sez. Amžius: 23 m.
VK: 195 Ūgis: 206 cm.
Potencialas: 6
Fou Chuī xuě
Alga: 2050 Eu
Kontraktas: 2 sez. Amžius: 27 m.
VK: 176 Ūgis: 194 cm.
Potencialas: 6
flag Patrizio Biggio
Alga: 9920 Eu
Kontraktas: 3 sez. Amžius: 27 m.
VK: 213 Ūgis: 215 cm.
Potencialas: 6
Barrett Folsham
Alga: -
Kontraktas: Mok. talentas Amžius: 15 m.
VK: 55 Ūgis: 200 cm.
Potencialas: 8
Icon Mainai/Žaidėjų skolinimas: Seattle & CRUMOR CF
-- 93 sez. 1 d.
Komanda pateikė mainų pasiūlymą
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Rodyti paslėptus atsakymus: 5
1.-The complaint is out of time.
2.-I play in this new season in wl3, I take a player Tarık Ulutürk defensive center in the draft and the Italian player is not necessary and he has no defence skills for play wl3 and his salary is high.
3.-The player Barrett Folsham analyzed his potentials and I didn't like them for a future center: -50% / + 13% + 79% -10% / -20% + 64% -16% / -40% - 10%-12% / +15%-3%-10%.
4.-I recovered a future PF Heng Qiu player already trained by me
5.-Both teams won with the trade, he recovers a future American player (bad internal potentials) and an Italian center for play to wl5 and I recover a future PF trained by me and I reduce salaries to play with 12 players in the main squad in this season
-- 93 sez. 8 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Buvo pranešta, kad šie mainai gali būti nesąžiningi. Visgi Sąžiningo žaidimo komitetas nusprendė, kad šie mainai sąžiningi. -- 93 sez. 10 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 6<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 7<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
3 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
3 - Trade constitutes a &quot;hidden lending&quot; (player(s) that changed team went back to the original team)<br />
<br />
-- 93 sez. 10 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)