Spaudos konferencija

Icon Mainai/Žaidėjų skolinimas: Iron & Ionios
-- 70 sez. 9 d.
Komanda pateikė mainų pasiūlymą
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Žaidėjas: Jin Zhuang
Dėl įvykusių mainų pradėjo žaisti naujoje komandoje -- 70 sez. 9 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Dėl įvykusių mainų pradėjo žaisti naujoje komandoje -- 70 sez. 9 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Mainų pasiūlymas priimtas -- 70 sez. 9 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
"Sąžiningo žaidimo" komiteto sprendimu mainai buvo anuliuoti -- 70 sez. 11 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Sąžiningo žaidimo komitetas nusprendė, kad šie mainai yra nesąžiningi ir komandos yra įspėjamos. -- 70 sez. 11 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Please explain to me why it is unfair? -- 70 sez. 11 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
+1 -- 70 sez. 11 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
it is fairly obvious: there is a TRADE EMBARGO between those 2 countries.
No Trades allowed.
BasketPulse is following suit
-- 70 sez. 11 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Soga -- 70 sez. 12 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
White is not worth the other player at all. He has bad potentials and skills. No such thing as a trade embargo between any two countries. -- 70 sez. 12 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
In Real Life, I spoke in jest -- 70 sez. 12 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
ahh i understand -- 70 sez. 12 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Can anyone tell me why the trade was reverted? I am benefitted the first years and then the benefit goes to my trades' partner. Where is the foul? -- 70 sez. 12 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
I think that the fair play committee has the purpose to protect the game from cheating.
Now there is a trade, that I still don' know for whom it is unfair! I don' t know at all my trade partner, he is not even from my country... I have not analyzed any of the two players and I take the risk to accept the trade hoping that I'm giving my young 9 potential player in order to make my team stronger for next year, instead of waiting for him to grown up!
-- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
It's only not cheating when the main players from 1 & 2 International Leagues make trades, get used to it :) -- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
RaZeev stated it already. While on the face of it, it looks as an alright trade, White's potentials and skills are a complete misfit for his position. Therefore, his value is significantly lower than it could be told from the outside.

Trades where one team gets significantly higher return/value than the other are reverted to protect from potential cheating
-- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Still sounds like a lot of BS to me, maybe one team needs a perspective C and other team wants to get stronger?

the chinese guy has 1 season contract with 6 potential whilst the american has 9 potential is 3 years younger and has 2 season contract.

these speculations of who's cheating and who isnt sounds pretty silly to me...
think yall should spend more time on improving the game design etc. instead of rejecting trades like that. at the end of the day managers should be allowed to make good and bad decissions thats how they learn.
-- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
you need to get on the same page with darius, fp committee members.

Darius - new skill system encourage people to have different type of players, i we like to see that.

FP committee - bans the trades for trading different kind of player because somehow committee has their own standards for players and even they make "value" of the players them self.

i am sorry, but i bet that, all teams has at least one player whom are misfit of their own position, that does not mean that people can not trades these players, nor that they are useless for somebody.

Did you made the same assumptions when superdzonis traded with JNU?

and the last point, not pretend that you know what is the value of these players for both teams, especially when the owner gives you bulletprove points plus if Both managers are happy with trades, what can you ask more?
-- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
ocbc6 always nice to hear your opinion on cheating ;) -- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
cactusjack - he asked opinion on this trade by his family members who also play this game :) -- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
I have no internal potentials. What I do know is that
my player will end with a much higher rt than the one I traded for,
My player is already a better defender,
The Chinese player is better in offence and for 2-3 years he will be a more useful player.
-- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
It is useless to continue the discussion. the committee has decided and does not go back to the decision. ask the committee for clarifications ... -- 70 sez. 13 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
I want an answer... I just don' care about the trade itself. As I said before, I thought a lot before accepting the offer because I was afraid I was giving too much, so maybe it' better for me. But...
Now, I learn that I "seduced " the one who plays in the 2.x international league who is the one that made the offer! And this because of the internal potentials of my player (which I was not aware of, and thank you informing me that he has very bad of them).
I think that the committee has to check for cheating and protect some new managers from being deluded, but it turns out that they judge randomly, based just on their personal opinion!
-- 70 sez. 15 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
I want an answer... I just don' care about the trade itself. As I said before, I thought a lot before accepting the offer because I was afraid I was giving too much, so maybe it' better for me. But...
Now, I learn that I "seduced " the one who plays in the 2.x international league who is the one that made the offer! And this because of the internal potentials of my player (which I was not aware of, and thank you informing me that he has very bad of them).
I think that the committee has to check for cheating and protect some new managers from being deluded, but it turns out that they judge randomly, based just on their personal opinion!
-- 70 sez. 15 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
You were not punished, the trade was simply reverted and you are free to arrange a new, more balanced trade. There was one trade already this year which was reverted, however, later allowed after modifications to the offer were made.

We aim to revert unbalanced trades even between totally unrelated teams to not allow a precedent take place. So this action, as you argue, indeed prevents from cheating cases.

About internal potentials, do you really need to see exact potentials to understand which skills have -40/-20% inners? You had the player for 3+ seasons, no need to pretend.
-- 70 sez. 15 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
I understand what you say, but I want you to explain to me why you think the trade is so unbalanced. My opinion is that I'm the one who takes less ( in the long term). And in the first place I thought that it was reverted baceause I'm "stealing" and that was the opinion of the manager of the team where the Chinese player is currently playing as borrowed. -- 70 sez. 15 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
When we are making trades and we don't spend credits to analyze the players, the known facts are just the general potential and the general skills, you cannot revert trades for unknown facts like internal potentials and exact skills! -- 70 sez. 15 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
And I say again that I'm not complaining for this specific trade because I wasn't sure I wanted to accept in the first place, but it makes me mad that you reverted a BALANCED trade! -- 70 sez. 15 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
And if someone analyzes every trade where a 9 or 10 potential player is involved, I bet most of them would have bad inner potentials! -- 70 sez. 15 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)