Spaudos konferencija

Important information about progress in the new training and potentials' system!
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
ar jus cia nesusikalbat ar as ne taip suprantu. cia raso, kad bus tikslene treniruociu ataskaita, o darius forume kazka rase, kad nebus... -- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Nice work, and the changes of current players in the new system (Mid shot, Blocking and stealing) should be discussed and determined ASAP. -- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
sadyvla. Susikalbam ;)
Pirmame šio atnaujinimo pasiūlyme planavome naudoti tikslesnius įgūdžius visame žaidime. T.y. tiek rungtynių varikliuke tiek įgūdžių lange naudoti ne 8, bet 8.1 ar 8.3.
Šios idėjos atsisakėme.

Detalios treniruočių ataskaitos bus. Šiuo metu ataskaitose rodomas +++ gali reikšti kad įgūdis pakilo per "beveik keturis pliusus" ar "lygiai 3 pliusus".

Po šio atnaujinimo treniruočių ataskaitose bus naudojama kita skalė, kuri visiškai atspindi, kiek "taškų" gavo įgūdis. Tad lengviau matysis kaip vieni ar kiti veiksmai lemia treniruočių efektyvumą.
-- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Information about the new skills is in forum:
However, next season new skill will not be reagarded in match engine yet. During the next season we expect to realize updates in the match engine and let user test it. So, more detailed information about the new skills will be presented next season.
-- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
The text of news updated - information about "Mid-range scoring" skill added.
Naujienos tekstas atnaujintas - pridėta informacija apie "Taiklumo iš vidutinio nuotolio" įgūdį
-- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
aisku... net ramiau pasidare, kad sutariat ir suprantat vienas kita ;) :D -- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
i am really happy about progress of working at new system but not you think that including new skills without been effective can generate confusion? -- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)

It will definitely generate some confusion. But I hope our users can handle this because i don`t see any other way:
1) if we want to have the testing match engine, we must have the new skills' system included in the game.
2) some users may need time to adjust training according to the new skills. For example, if you have player that is supposed to attack more from the middle range, you will have one full season to incerese this skill and prepare this player for that role. The same is with defensive skills. In some cases the difference will be pretty big. For example between "stealing" skill and "outside defence".
-- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Now,the only advantage of short players might be they are easier to steal than tall ones. However, in the new system, "stealing" skill is replaced by "outside defence". Does it mean short players are weaker than before? I think it is not fair for the managers whose denominative players are short. -- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Well, short players have other advantages, too. For example, they are better in dribbling, faster, better on fast breaks..

Also steals will not be removed from the game. We will just not have a skill dedicated to this element.
More detailed we will be able to disscuss this in the next season when we work on the match engine. Now let's concentrate on training and potentials.
-- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
a-darius: "Well, short players have other advantages, too. For example, they are better in dribbling, faster, better on fast breaks.."
It was 6-7 seasons ago. After some changes, small players speed advantage over the higher players gone..
-- 46 sez. 21 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Su vardiniu žaidėju persistengta tai jau virš 110%. Be jokios logikos padarytas šis pakeitimas.. Koks skirtumas vardinis ar ne, bet vis gi žaidėjas, kodėl jo jis negalės žaisti kitoje ekipoje ? -- 46 sez. 22 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
"Be logikos" nedaromi jokie pakeitimai. Dėl vardinių jau sakiau čia:
-- 46 sez. 22 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Sorry, neperskaičiau to "nepratęsus vardinio žaidėjo kontrakto (arba atleidus), jis baigs karjerą arba taps laisvuoju agentu (tokiu atveju vardiniui žaidėjui stipriai sumažinamas potencialas tam, kad neiškreiptų žaidėjų rinkos)" punkto. Aš galvojau, kad vardinis žaidėjas aplamai jau nebegalės žaisti kitoje komandoje.. Bet čia parašyta, kad jis gali tapti laisvuoju agentu, tik su mažensiu potencialu. -- 46 sez. 22 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Curious if there are any plans to fix the coaches and never finding potential over 2 from scouts? More importantly the potentials never change. -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Potentials for players won't ever change from now on, so definitely the coaches won't. -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
That makes sense, but something needs done on finding coaches that are higher than elementary school levels. I mean potential 2 coaches >80% of the time doesn't make sense. -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
lol. Couldn;t agree more there. I always wonder where all the other good coaches come from. -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Chances to find good potential coach are the same as to find good potential player.
Simply users invest more time and money in finding players, therefore more good players are found.
-- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
currently talent found this week shows 13 coaches, potential 2 are 69%, 4-5 is 15.3%, 7 is 15.3%, 8 is 7.6%. On players there are 20 total, 3 is the lowest potential and is 20%, 4 is 35%, 5 is 30%, and 6 is 15%. This does not support your statement. Not to mention a coach NEVER goes up. -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
bah I totaled coaches wrong but numbers aren't that much different with correct percentages. (64% pot 2)(14.2% pot 4-5)(14.2% pot 7)(7% pot 8) -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
TheWizardKs: It was not an "opinion" it was a fact. Scouting use the same algorithm for players and coaches.

P.S. Actually you can`t get anything from that statistics:
1) it is TOP20 list. So we have TOP20 players and ALL coaches (because not many peaple look for coaches)
2) People use different scouts' financing. It has considerable influence on chances to find good talent and statistics of found talents.
-- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
Right, percentages there won't matter and not something you would use to drive home a point. All I does is say players invest more in players than coaches therefore you will find more players with higher potentials exactly what a-Darius said. Think of it on a smaller scale and it makes sense. I don't know what the ratio is of choosing a player vs a coach, but I imagine it is very high. (Higher than. 10-1). For an example lets just use 10-1. If 20 coaches are chosen that would mean you would have 200 players, for every good coach you would have 10 good players. The ratio of top player/coaches then would obviously have more good players than coaches not because of the system, but because of the practices of the managers. It all makes sense, teams usually have 1-3 managers and 9-12 players (more or less). To be honest, when you look at laches on the market , it has been easier for me to sign a good one there than it is to sign a good player.. -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)
I see your point, just makes it obvious the whole scout thing needs some help, which I know I read that will soon happen. I've seen no mention of coaches so I hope they will continue to change with player changes. Coaches have gone up salary wise just as much as players. Thanks for the answers. -- 46 sez. 60 d.
-- (Versti) (Versti EN)