
Icon Csere/Kölcsönadott játékosok: DVARAS & BC Mintis
-- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
8 efficiency in wl2 vs 8 efficiency in wl3. Yes Milaknis is better, si good trade for Vilnius! -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
Player efficiency is a terrible statistic to use to compare players, players with different roles get different scores, players on one team they may be the star so their efficiency may be higher than it will be on another. Post players will generally have a higher efficiency than guards, point guards that score will have a higher efficiency than pass first point guards, it doesn't mean they are better. Another example, the skill of contesting shots does not show up in player efficiency. The advantage that is here that I see in getting the 264 rated player may be the contract length. This may be what he was going for along with cheaper contract for the WL3 team. Zei is the better player. I am not saying this is fraudulent at all, just saying evaluating trades, efficiency rating is not the one to do it. -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
3 seasons vs 1 season , that main factory i think. trade is good. -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
Efficiency is still better than RT. They are both PG. I think Milaknis will score a lot and is just better than zhe. Even if they don t have same rôle.that s why both team can be winner... -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
Completely disagree! Certain stats/skills tactical choices influence efficiency way more than others. A scoring point guard will have a higher efficiency but their +/- may be garbage because their defense is poor, or they turn the ball over. The efficiency score also does not value a three pointer made as much as a two pointer made. Again, team composition, team tactics also have a huge impact on efficiency. -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
Yes it is true a player with a high rate can be trained poorly. If you want to see a players worth, I suggest you look at +/- scores and compare that to the teams overall +/- score. Of course their are flaws in this as well. This trade to me is about a WL3 team trying to save some money and get a longer contract in order to avoid the limited market. -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
This entire trade drama going on here is wearing on me. I am going to put my two cents in and try to shut it down. The issue is the Chinese players and the trades that they have had that have been deemed fraudulent. Here is the deal. Chinese, community, I agree that with you that some of your trades that were deemed fraudulent were probably good intentioned trades. The problem is, that your community has been guilty of obvious fraudulent trades in the past (one that I know of from first hand knowledge, and this one trade that I have first hand knowledge of being fraudulent is one of the trades often discussed). Also, the "fixing" of games done by your community. You have to understand that every action deems a reaction. The overall reaction to the "fixing" the games as well as some fraudulent trades is that your communities actions are now looked at under a microscope. My suggestion, play the game and play the game the right way and over time, it won't be automatic, you have to build trust, then your community will be respected enough again that every transaction wont be looked at as harshly. The fixed games really hurt your credibility. Stop the fixed games, make sure your all your trades are for the benefit of both teams involved and then I believe you will be a respected community in bballzone again. Don't help each other by "rigging" the system, help each other with advice and teaching each other. I for one appreciate the Chinese community here at Bballzone and look forward to many seasons with them in the future trying to beat them. -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)
手误点了个问号,你们说了这么多... -- 59 Sz 28 n.
-- (Fordítás) (Fordítás EN)