Communiqués de presse

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+ -- 100 S 54 j.
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+ -- 100 S 60 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
+ -- 101 S 1 j.
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-- 101 S 1 j.
Lending to a wl3 team:
Leung - low post C
Conditions of loan and skills of player via PM.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
-- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 1 j.
LF Trades
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
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-- 101 S 1 j.
Laukiami mainų pasiūlymai. Galiu kelti algas ir didinti žaidėjų skaičių.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Actualité du jeu: Season 100 review!
-- 101 S 1 j.
Season 100 review!
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
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Same sentence is used 4 seasons lol -- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
I believe many users know the situation, but I will try to explain again.

I am really struggling with the Mach engine update in recent seasons. This is an area I cannot simply hand over to our freelance developer. It also can't be updated in a quick hour after work; even small updates require time to ensure there are no unwanted negative effects.

If I can't find a few full days to work on it during the season, unfortunately, all related updates are postponed to the next season. Finding these full, uninterrupted days is difficult since I have three small kids, another full-time job, and many smaller issues to manage on BasketPulse.

In any case, there are no secret updates here. You can always find all updates regarding the ME in our changelog:
-- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Hi, one question, are you going to fix National league incomes? In Spain is much better to stay in National League 2 that move to 1st división. Or we have more incomes in matches or prizes for the 12 teams at the end, we had matches 40-30 in the last match trying to avaoid move to 1st división, and this was happening many season ago -- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
-- 100 S 62 j.
L'équipe extérieure a gagné le match (Spain Men)
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Montrer les réponses masquées: 22
Espectacular! Rompimos el duopolio. -- 100 S 63 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Enhorabuena Cesar!! Grande!! -- 100 S 63 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Congrats Spain!!!! It's amazing!!!!! -- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 1 j.
Sveiki, mainomi visi žaidėjai, siekiu sutaupyti.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)