Communiqués de presse

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-- 101 S 2 j.
keiciu dvieju sezonu zaideja i kazka pigiau arba i du zaidejus PG/SF pozicijose 12 13 6 2 2 12 2 10 10 3 8 8 10
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Actualité du jeu: Season 100 review!
-- 101 S 1 j.
Season 100 review!
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Montrer les réponses masquées: 13
Are we going to do the step 2 update?
dribbling is still useless
offensive and defensive strategy is still few and pitiful
hey... if these are not that important, then what actually is on the list?
-- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
We understand this is a hobby project and that you have a life to live besides Basket Pulse. What we don't understand is, why there are plans for adding individual skills when there are more pressing issues to take care of. Some of which the community has been asking for several seasons:
- making dribbling important for PG/SG/SF
- extinction of the traditional PG - everyone just seem so be playing SGs on PG position
- template teams that only shoot threes an 2C
- salaries of players in their primes are too high, the marketplace is full of great players aged 28-32 that nobody signs
These are just some of the issues, I'm sure each manager has something to add. I hope you can find time to fix some ot those and not spend time adding new features in the meantime.
-- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Is dribbling useless or is just nobody training it? There are no official big changes to the engine but there seem to be many chances of the best build in last seasons. I think we need more tests to see how dribbling works I can say that it helps if you have a leader player with dribbling.
Traditional PG works fine it is just a meta thing that you want to see stats and numbers on a player the thing is that traditional pg sucks at ranking but usually gets good +/- and they are seen as a risk because if they can't shoot then opponents can double defence.
I was doing some testing building team with mainly 2m shooters in youth my last season and it did underperform based on rt but I can see that there are positions, tactics and skill combinations where 2m works better than 2c or 3p. So 2c and 3p teams are just manager things, not the admin's fault.

All issues that are mentioned above aren't easy to fix and could change the balance of the game and create multiple new issues, meanwhile, new features are separated from important parts of the game.
-- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 2 j.
Want to trade young PG with 8 Potential.
Skills and inner Potentials can be shown in PM.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 2 j.
Gal kas mainu mazinu zaideju skaiciu , galmia ir kiti variantai raykit tarsimes
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Tuteur: Aurimas.
-- 101 S 1 j.
Retour à propos du tuteur:
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International Basketball University - IBU -- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
-- 101 S 2 j.
Blecha vyrai dėl ko pirmos varžybos gali būti 6 ryto, kai komandos paskirstomos ten kažkada naktį 2 nakties. Kas per bespredelas. Tada skirstykit komandas į grupes pirmą sezono dieną arba sezoną pradėkite trečią dieną
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Montrer les réponses masquées: 3
Tada visiska nesamone :D -- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Nesinervink. Default taktika gali ir pirma dieną kol nesudėliotos grupės dar susimesti, mažiau praradimo bus -- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Nu nieko pavalgiau nusiraminau -- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
-- 101 S 2 j.
L'équipe domicile a gagné le match (Fung911)
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
### 客隊比賽分析報告

#### 比賽關鍵指標
1. **最終比分**: 71-112,客隊落後41分。
2. **得分分布**: 每節得分為21, 17, 18, 15,顯示出進攻不穩定。
3. **三分球命中率**: 30%(6/20),略低於主隊。
4. **籃板球**: 37個,落後主隊11個。
5. **助攻**: 16次,較主隊少8次。
6. **失誤**: 22次,高於主隊的17次。

#### 比賽見解
1. **進攻效率低**: 客隊的得分主要集中在第一節,後續三節得分逐漸下降,顯示出進攻策略缺乏連貫性和適應性。
2. **失誤過多**: 22次失誤顯示出控球不穩定,這直接影響了進攻效率。
3. **籃板球劣勢**: 內線對抗中處於下風,導致籃板球數量少於主隊。
4. **缺乏助攻**: 團隊配合不佳,助攻數量偏低,顯示出進攻組織不夠流暢。
5. **防守不力**: 對主隊的內線進攻缺乏有效的防守策略,導致失分過多。

#### 改進建議
1. **提升進攻多樣性**: 加強戰術訓練,增加進攻變化,提高進攻效率,尤其是在第二、三節時要保持進攻力度。
2. **減少失誤**: 強化控球訓練,增強球員的專注力和決策能力,降低失誤率。
3. **加強籃板球能力**: 提升內線球員的對抗能力和籃板意識,增強對籃板球的控制。
4. **改善團隊配合**: 提高傳球質量和配合默契度,增加助攻數量,以提高整體進攻流暢性。
5. **強化防守策略**: 加強對主隊關鍵球員的防守,尤其是在內線防守上要有針對性的策略,減少對手的高效得分。
6. **提高體能和心理素質**: 加強體能訓練和心理調適,確保球員在比賽全程保持高水平的競技狀態。

#### 結論
-- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 101 S 1 j.
12 11 12 12 3 3 10 11 5 3 7 9 10
Tradable, looking to lower salaries. Could trade him for a cheaper PG + some school prospect.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
PG not needed anymore, trading for lower salaries (1 year contract, loaned players, school prospects, ...) -- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Icon Échange/Prêt de joueurs
-- 100 S 63 j.
Ieškau i 5wl pasiskolinti centro! Žaidimo laikas garantuotas
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
. -- 101 S 1 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
. -- 101 S 2 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)