Información del club

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flag Virginia Cavaliers(Closed-1)

Logo del equipo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Nombre local: Virginia Cavaliers(Closed-1)
Administrador: Gambit
BasketPulse logo


El Club no esta dirigido
Período de actividad 2016-03-18 - 2016-04-11
País flag United States
Club dirigido anteriormente LaGrange Grovers (52 - 62 S)


Total de victorias/Partidos jugados 0 - 0
-- 53 S 7 Dia
El club está cerrado
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
-- 52 S 1 Dia
Los aficionados cancelaron el equipo de aficionados
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
-- 52 S 1 Dia
El Manager de este club empezo en otro club. Este club esta sin manager desde ahora.
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
-- 51 S 49 Dia
Los aficionados establecieron el equipo de aficionados
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Some statistics about scouts' searches for young players.
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Mostrar respuestas ocultas: 44
Actually we can`t just increase chances to draw even middle level players. Increasing average level players' amount in the game will lead to decreasing these players' value. And such changes would not give anything good for the game.
-- 51 S 46 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Darius... those middle level players don't have value. You can pick them up for minimum salaries all day long but who wants them? Some players that ended up with -80 speed/2c potentials have their values axed, yet we get no compensation for the tens of thousands of EU's we invested. Am I reading you as stating the scout system is fine as is? -- 51 S 47 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
I can just repeat my previous post in this discussion:

You can easily avoid this risk by chosing "universal" on "set Type of skills' potentials"
Also there will be small update next season:
-- 51 S 47 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)