Press conferences

Club got a special invitation to the league
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What's the difference who gets the spot? It's already an extra spot in the league because of an inactive club. Just reach top 3 and you will get promoted, no excuses -- 100 S 61 d.
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Haley, Exactly, the rules of the games cannot be perfect, purchase an invitation is a voluntary choice (I tried that as well). So, everything in this situation is done by the rules. We can all agree on that, right? But my point is that this rule does not make a lot of sense (in other words, is not perfect) and maybe it could be with some additional restrictions. That's it, that's the point. You or anyone else can agree or disagree. The way how it could be restricted and what kind of potential circumstances it would create, is totally other topic, so let's not go deeper into that. -- 100 S 61 d.
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If Dubai club would buy place in Euroleague? It would be fair or not? -- 100 S 61 d.
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-- 100 S 61 d.
Sveiki ant kokio rėmėju pasiulimo laušti pirmais metais 4 wl?
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paiimk ir pasiskaiciuok. Viesai prieinama informacija su remejais -- 100 S 61 d.
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-- 100 S 60 d.
Home team won the match (Spain Men)
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Vamooossssss!! -- 100 S 60 d.
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Thanks to all! Nice game!! -- 100 S 61 d.
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Congrats for the win. And good luck with jurgilas rebovation - i can imagine Lituanians wanting him back ;) -- 100 S 61 d.
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Icon Player: Azahari Munirah (RT: 155)
-- 100 S 54 d.
The player accepted the contract, offered by your club
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I see you signing this player, currently the player is training Contest Shot, you may keep train the same, it will turn 11 soon . -- 100 S 61 d.
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 100 S 61 d.
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-- 100 S 61 d.
Lending a tall Center for WL3:

Trading PF/C:
Exchanging for School and Lended players.
2 for 1 are welcome.
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 100 S 61 d.
Pg/sg/sf zaidejo i 3 wl reimtu- lookin for this positions to wl 3 I 5 wl nuomoju / to wl 5
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 100 S 61 d.
Borrow PF/SF for WL2

Peak RT 378, exchanging for PF, SF, School, and Lended players.
2 for 1 are welcomed.
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 100 S 61 d.
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2 -- 100 S 61 d.
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a -- 100 S 58 d.
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aa -- 100 S 59 d.
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aaa -- 100 S 61 d.
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