Hall of fame

FC Barca

69 S Face (Unknown) Nobutarou Yasuda Statistics: Mt: 365; min: 25.3; 28.9 Pts; Reb: 3.2; Blo: 1.1; Ast: 0.9; Rkg: 23
Silver won in the league (National tournament) MVP of the season Shooting guard of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) MVP of the season Shooting guard of the season MVP of the season Shooting guard of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Gold won in the league (International tournament) Silver won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
65 S Face (Unknown) Evaldas Gečius Statistics: Mt: 479; min: 34.7; 11.1 Pts; Reb: 6.1; Blo: 1.5; Ast: 2.2; Rkg: 12
Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Gold won in the league (National tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Silver won in the league (National tournament) Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Silver won in the league (National tournament) Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
63 S Face (Unknown) Gervydas Daujota Statistics: Mt: 243; min: 32.6; 20.4 Pts; Reb: 4.3; Blo: 0.7; Ast: 1.7; Rkg: 14
Gold won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
58 S Face (Unknown) Kristinas Kuolinis Statistics: Mt: 450; min: 31.9; 18.6 Pts; Reb: 5.1; Blo: 1.5; Ast: 2.7; Rkg: 22
Point guard of the season Point guard of the season Point guard of the season Gold won in the league (National tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Silver won in the league (National tournament) Silver won in the league (National tournament) Point guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
57 S Face (Unknown) Klaudijus Ozolas Statistics: Mt: 249; min: 34.1; 17.9 Pts; Reb: 4.9; Blo: 2.3; Ast: 2.4; Rkg: 23
Gold won in the league (National tournament) Participant of All-Star skills challenge Silver won in the league (National tournament) Silver won in the league (National tournament) MVP of the match MVP of the day
41 S Face (Unknown) Inocentas Mekelis Statistics: Mt: 200; min: 17; 10.1 Pts; Reb: 1.2; Blo: 0.5; Ast: 0.7; Rkg: 8
Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Gold won in the league (International tournament) Shooting guard of the season Gold won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the season Gold won in the league (International tournament) Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
19 S Face (Unknown) Modestas Berneckis Statistics: Mt: 301; min: 17.7; 7.9 Pts; Reb: 4.2; Blo: 1; Ast: 0.7; Rkg: 10
Power forward of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
15 S Face (Unknown) Bactad Manela Statistics: Mt: 253; min: 21.7; 5.5 Pts; Reb: 1.7; Blo: 0.2; Ast: 7.8; Rkg: 12
Point guard of the day MVP of the match
14 S Face (Unknown) Giedrius Jomantas Statistics: Mt: 1071; min: 27.1; 13.8 Pts; Reb: 4.6; Blo: 1.2; Ast: 0.9; Rkg: 16
Small forward of the season MVP of the season Small forward of the season Small forward of the season Small forward of the season Small forward of the season Power forward of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day