Hall of fame

BC Švėkšnos Meška

51 S Face (Unknown) Edgaras Rimsa Statistics: Mt: 259; min: 32; 28.7 Pts; Reb: 2.5; Blo: 0.8; Ast: 2.1; Rkg: 26
Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Participant in All-Star match Shooting guard of the season Participant in All-Star match Shooting guard of the season Participant in All-Star match Shooting guard of the season Shooting guard of the season Participant in All-Star match Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
47 S Face (Unknown) Svajūnas Kentautas Statistics: Mt: 212; min: 31.8; 7.8 Pts; Reb: 2.4; Blo: 0.3; Ast: 6; Rkg: 15
Point guard of the day MVP of the match
43 S Face (Unknown) Neimantas Kieza Statistics: Mt: 210; min: 17.6; 9.3 Pts; Reb: 2; Blo: 0.6; Ast: 1.3; Rkg: 9
17 S Face (Unknown) Nomedas Brazys Statistics: Mt: 338; min: 25.8; 5.7 Pts; Reb: 1.8; Blo: 0.2; Ast: 9.5; Rkg: 17
Point guard of the season Point guard of the season MVP of the season Point guard of the season Point guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
16 S Face (Unknown) Paulius Overlingas Statistics: Mt: 584; min: 20.3; 10.7 Pts; Reb: 1.9; Blo: 0.4; Ast: 0.8; Rkg: 9
Shooting guard of the season Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match
14 S Face (Unknown) Jonas Girskis Statistics: Mt: 1191; min: 27.1; 13.8 Pts; Reb: 6; Blo: 1.1; Ast: 1.2; Rkg: 18
MVP of the season Center of the season Power forward of the season MVP of the season Power forward of the season Power forward of the season Power forward of the season MVP of the season Power forward of the season MVP of the season Power forward of the season Power forward of the season Small forward of the season Small forward of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day