Hall of fame

Ylakių United

67 S Face (Unknown) Adrijus Kugenis Statistics: Mt: 818; min: 28; 18.9 Pts; Reb: 2.6; Blo: 1.1; Ast: 1.8; Rkg: 16
Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant in All-Star match Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star three-point contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Gold won in the league (National tournament) MVP of All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star three-point contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star three-point contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Shooting guard of the season Gold won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the season Participant in All-Star match Winner of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star three-point contest Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Shooting guard of the season MVP of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the season Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star three-point contest Participant in All-Star match Winner of All-Star slam dunk contest Shooting guard of the season MVP of All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star three-point contest MVP of All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Gold won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star three-point contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Gold won in the league (International tournament) Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant in All-Star match Shooting guard of the season Shooting guard of the season Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Silver won in the league (National tournament) Small forward of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
56 S Face (Unknown) Leonardas Vičius Statistics: Mt: 935; min: 30.9; 18.7 Pts; Reb: 9.8; Blo: 1.5; Ast: 1.6; Rkg: 28
Gold won in the league (International tournament) Center of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Center of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Silver won in the league (International tournament) Center of the season MVP of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Center of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Participant in All-Star match Center of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Center of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Gold won in the league (National tournament) Center of the season MVP of the season Center of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Center of the season MVP of the season Participant in All-Star match Gold won in the league (National tournament) Center of the season Silver won in the league (International tournament) Center of the season Gold won in the league (National tournament) Center of the season MVP of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Most prospective Gold won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Most prospective Most prospective Participant in All-Star match Most prospective Most prospective Power forward of the season Most prospective Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Power forward of the season Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Silver won in the league (National tournament) Power forward of the season Gold won in the league (International tournament) Most prospective Small forward of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
53 S Face (Unknown) Wei Jun Statistics: Mt: 508; min: 27.4; 17.9 Pts; Reb: 2.9; Blo: 0.9; Ast: 1.8; Rkg: 15
Silver won in the league (International tournament) Small forward of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Participant of All-Star slam dunk contest Participant of All-Star three-point contest Small forward of the season Participant of All-Star three-point contest Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Small forward of the season Gold won in the league (National tournament) Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Silver won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
49 S Face (Unknown) Valius Mielys Statistics: Mt: 325; min: 24.9; 11.7 Pts; Reb: 2.2; Blo: 0.8; Ast: 3.1; Rkg: 15
Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Silver won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Gold won in the league (International tournament) Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day