Hall of fame


34 S Face (Unknown) Rolandas Račys Statistics: Mt: 911; min: 23.3; 11.4 Pts; Reb: 4.8; Blo: 1; Ast: 1.1; Rkg: 14
MVP of the season Center of the season MVP of the season Center of the season Gold won in the league (National tournament) MVP of the season Center of the season Gold won in the league (International tournament) MVP of the season Center of the season MVP of the season Center of the season Power forward of the season Power forward of the season Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
30 S Face (Unknown) Dein Seif Statistics: Mt: 158; min: 26.4; 14.7 Pts; Reb: 1.3; Blo: 0.8; Ast: 4.3; Rkg: 17
Point guard of the season Point guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
29 S Face (Unknown) Emanuelis Briedis Statistics: Mt: 422; min: 27.2; 11.7 Pts; Reb: 6.9; Blo: 1.1; Ast: 1.5; Rkg: 16
MVP of the season Center of the season Center of the season Center of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
27 S Face (Unknown) Rokas Giedrys Statistics: Mt: 345; min: 22.9; 11 Pts; Reb: 2; Blo: 0.1; Ast: 1.3; Rkg: 9
Shooting guard of the season Shooting guard of the season Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match
24 S Face (Unknown) Virgis Bumbulas Statistics: Mt: 208; min: 24.4; 14.4 Pts; Reb: 2.1; Blo: 0.8; Ast: 4.1; Rkg: 20
MVP of the season Point guard of the season Point guard of the season MVP of the season Point guard of the season Point guard of the season Point guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
22 S Face (Unknown) Xhoen Tugu Statistics: Mt: 154; min: 21.7; 7.5 Pts; Reb: 4.1; Blo: 1; Ast: 1.9; Rkg: 11
Center of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day