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Jesse Bond Ansigt

flag Jesse Bond

Spilleren har ikke en klub

Spilleren har endt sin karriere
83 y.
207 cm. (6' 9'' )
Icon Spiller: Jesse Bond (RT: 171)
-- 47 S 63 Dag
Spillerens kontrakt er udløbet
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Icon Spiller: Jesse Bond (RT: 171)
-- 47 S 62 Dag
Spilleren er skadet på grund af dårligt helbred
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Icon Spiller: Jesse Bond (RT: 171)
-- 47 S 54 Dag
Spilleren er skadet på grund af dårligt helbred
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Icon Spiller: Jesse Bond (RT: 171)
-- 47 S 14 Dag
Spilleren er skadet pga. dårlig form
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Icon Spiller: Jesse Bond (RT: 171)
-- 45 S 40 Dag
Spillerens potentiale er blevet lavere
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Vis skjulte svar: 7
Like I said before thats a good position to be in....I think Bond will go down in rating pretty fast now (since his potential decreased) but at 207 cm tall I was just surprised he didn't receive more interest. Not saying Bloom isn't a good player, I was just comparing salaries of 2 people who are similar in stature and skill -- 45 S 51 Dag
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I still need to grab a PG and if I can do so cheaply enough I'd like to grab a high accuracy SG for some extra bench scoring. I have one outstanding offer for a 292 PG for 12000 which I hope goes through but we'll see at the end of today I guess -- 45 S 51 Dag
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Bond - bloom comparison is a good one. -- 45 S 51 Dag
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