Player's trades


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Dato Sender Modtager Out In Mere information
22-06-27 01:15 Guns and R BC COMA Eric De Smet (17 y.; 108 RT)
Ka Ying Ching (19 y.; 116 RT)
Mere information
22-05-28 15:54 Guns and R HK Monarch Oktavijus Pakeltis (28 y.; 212 RT)
Hing Yan Wong (27 y.; 143 RT)
Eric De Smet (16 y.; 102 RT)
Mere information
22-05-07 03:34 Tiān shén HK Monarch Eric De Smet (16 y.; 94 RT)
Huā Dào Miu (14 y.; 15 RT)
Peter Vanderelst (15 y.; 59 RT)
Mere information
22-04-27 10:41 Tiān shén Spip BXL Stephen Gray (18 y.; 109 RT)
Quan Lai (18 y.; 74 RT)
Eric De Smet (16 y.; 90 RT)
Maxim Memphis (16 y.; 75 RT)
Mere information