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Māris Dušelis Ansigt

flag Māris Dušelis

Spilleren har ikke en klub

Spilleren har endt sin karriere
37 y.
198 cm. (6' 6'' )

Drafts information

Liga World League.5.2 World League.5.2
Sæson 85
Hold Linksmai.lt
Pick no #14
Icon Byttehandel/Udlåning af spillere: Linksmai & Huragan
-- 94 S 3 Dag
Team made a trade offer
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Vis skjulte svar: 5
30 days ago I got this offer and accepted it. Linksmai wanted ready to play players, as he wanted to get promotion this season and he said he didnt care about future players and he had other priority now. So he got good salary players, both with 12 at 3pt skill. I got old player with 15% health and good young prospect of my nationality. That time i had major financial problems, so i was happy to fire this old player immediatelly. I believe it was ok deal for him, as he got what he needed and also ok for me, as I got a player to fire and school player with no salary. -- 94 S 35 Dag
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This trade was reported as unfair. However, the Fair play committee decided that this trade is fair. -- 94 S 36 Dag
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 1<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 10<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
1 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
<br />
-- 94 S 36 Dag
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Icon Spiller: Māris Dušelis (RT: 176)
-- 94 S 10 Dag
Klubben har fyret en spiller
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Icon Spiller: Māris Dušelis (RT: 176)
-- 94 S 2 Dag
Spilleren har besluttet sig at stoppe sin karriere i slutningen af denne sæson
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Icon Spiller: Māris Dušelis (RT: 176)
-- 93 S 63 Dag
Contract with player extended
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Icon Spiller: Māris Dušelis (RT: 176)
-- 93 S 43 Dag
Spilleren har taget imod den kontrakt din klub gav
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