

Franchise-Spieler Marcelijus Laurinkus

373 RT

Alter: 30 J.

Größe: 217 cm.

flag Dzolandas

Mannschaftslogo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Lokaler Name: Džolandas
Manager: dwyane3 logo BasketPulse Facebook logo

M. Laurinkus

Punkte: 18,9


T. Lajukas

Rebounds: 5,8


B. Jin

Assists: 3,8


Aktivität 2024-04-26 12:32
Land flag Lithuania
Verband Lithuanian Basketball Federation
kurzer Vereinsname Dzolis (Dzo)
Basketballschule Dzolis Basketballschule
Jugendmannschaft Dzolandas Youth


Stärke im Spiel 221 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Stärke in der Nat. Liga 9 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Stärke in der Int. Liga 31 (Platz in der Rangliste)
RT-Durchschnitt 275
Fanclub 1261
Fan-Rangliste 68 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Pop.-Rating in Int. Liga 19 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Image 7/7
Meinung des Personals 6/7


Wöchentliches Einkommen von Sponsoren 150584 Eu
Max. Summe für Personalausgaben 225876 Eu
Tradebeschränkungsstufe 10 (Historie)
Wechsel (gesamt) 38
Wechsel (diese Saison) 1
Siege gesamt/absolvierte Spiele 593/1109 53%
Siege/absolvierte Saisonspiele 28/38 74%
Anzahl der geliehenen Spieler 8 (Statistiken)
-- 98 S 38 T.
How do the federations use the funding?
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Weitere Antworten zeigen: 16
In Peru we are only 3 players, among whom we divide the tasks, which are not many. Only preside over the federation so that there is no headlessness, and direct the national teams. The 3 users agree not to charge credits to the federation for acting as teachers and moderators. We have made invitations to the game, without success and every time someone enters we offer our help, but they do not enter again. We do not do it so that the game wins more real money, we do it to strengthen the Peruvian teams and to increase interaction with colleagues and therefore fun. On some occasions I have expressed my discomfort with the economic and training disadvantage that small federations have and I also want to add the disadvantages for players who do not buy credits. I'm also going to add that it seems wrong to me that those who work for the game, whether spreading it, moderating it, translating it or whatever, should be paid real money for their work and not credits to obtain advantages in the game. For all these reasons I do not recommend the game anymore and I speak only for myself and not for my colleagues.
Even so, it bothers me that they say that we are not an active federation because we enter every day, we communicate with each other on WhatsApp, we direct the national teams and every time a new user enters, we have more desire to retain them than the owners of the game. .
I recommend once again that if you want more users, you take the path of equity without penalizing small communities, giving bonuses to large communities, reducing the advantages of those who pay, updating the manual, improving the game engine, the page design and not pressuring users to work to fatten their pockets in exchange for bonuses (where the rival of the recipient is indirectly penalized by not receiving the bonus).
-- 98 S 40 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
JeroDel8 My friend. You truly speak from my heart. It's gradually becoming less fun to play. -- 98 S 40 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Couldn’t agree more from a small country perspective -- 98 S 40 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
-- 98 S 36 T.
interview with VanthonyDash and jiasyuan!
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Icon Spieler: Ramūnas Petukas (RT: 256)
-- 98 S 35 T.
Spieler von der Jugend- in die Hauptmannschaft transferiert
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)