
游戏新闻: Season 100 review!
-- 101 季 1 天
Season 100 review!
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显示隐藏的回复: 34
I think that fully fixing national leagues is a more complex and time-consuming update than the initial badges system. Just giving more money would create more problems than it would solve. Also, I want to point out that we haven't included badges in the current season's plans as well.

Removing prices would indeed be a quick solution. However, I don't believe that the community would support it...
-- 101 季 3 天
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What about providing some kind of training bonus on national league match days?
For example team gets +15% training bonus in NL1 on match days. That would make a reason for some teams to benefit from being in higher nl. Not only cash.
-- 101 季 3 天
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Just take all nl money prize pool and divide to equal sizes, which team could get for every win in nl -- 101 季 3 天
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Icon 交易/租借球员
-- 101 季 3 天
Laukiu mainu pasiulymu
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Icon 交易/租借球员
-- 101 季 3 天
Icon 交易/租借球员
-- 101 季 1 天
Up -- 101 季 2 天
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Up -- 101 季 3 天
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Icon 对借入球队的点评: acmeolog dot com
-- 100 季 63 天
Nezaide draugisku
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显示隐藏的回复: 5
Es pareizi saprotu ka gribēji lai es šedulēju pārbaudes spēles brīvajās dienās? -- 101 季 3 天
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taip seneliumbai -- 101 季 3 天
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paldies par skaidorjumu mazais -- 101 季 3 天
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Icon 交易/租借球员
-- 101 季 3 天
Centras Grundelė i pigesni centra,galima pajungt ir daugiau žaidėjų
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Up -- 101 季 2 天
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up -- 101 季 3 天
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Icon 交易/租借球员
-- 101 季 3 天
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Icon 交易/租借球员
-- 101 季 3 天
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Icon 交易/租借球员: S-Tigers & DI
-- 101 季 3 天
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我没有看错吧,越来越离谱 -- 101 季 3 天
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