

核心球員 Vladislav Mikulaev

272 RT

年齡: 25 歲

身高: 204 公分

flag Los reyes de Vitebsk

隊徽 team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
國內名稱: Los reyes de Vitebsk
經理: Waldemar235
SUMMMER logo BasketPulse Facebook logo

V. Mikulaev

得分: 17,6


T. Tilaar

籃板: 5,9


L. Sexton

助攻: 3,7


最近上線 2024-06-03 22:17
國家 flag Belarus
聯盟 Russian Basketball Federation
俱樂部簡稱 LRD Vitebs (LRDV)
籃球學校 LRD Vitebs 籃球學校
青年隊 Los reyes de Vitebsk Youth
管理國家隊: Belarus U21


遊戲排名 203 (排名)
國內聯賽排名 1 (排名)
國際聯賽排名 9 (排名)
平均RT 276
球迷俱樂部 891
球迷排名 132 (排名)
國際聯賽人氣排名 30 (排名)
形象 2/7
員工意見 6/7


每週贊助收入 89699 Eu
人員薪資上限 189608 Eu
交易限制等級 7 (歷史)
完成交易 7
本季交易 1
全部勝場/比賽 326/443 74%
賽季勝場/比賽 10/14 71%
租借球員數量 6 (統計數據)
Icon 交易/租借球員: Anadolu E & LRD Vitebs
-- 99 賽季 15 天
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球員: Narvic Stoner
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 99 賽季 15 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 99 賽季 15 天
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交易已接受 -- 99 賽季 15 天
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Icon 教練: Vyacheslav Kirenkin (RT: 66)
-- 99 賽季 15 天
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Icon 球隊: Belarus U21
-- 99 賽季 15 天
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國家隊經理候選人: Belarus U21
-- 99 賽季 8 天
Будем идти на повышение!)
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
Important! The fight against cheating
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
顯示隱藏回應: 79
Of course, we won't simply change back just because the community didn't like the update. Such changes were made for valid reasons, and we've already explained these reasons.

The community has offered numerous suggestions for solving these issues, but each suggestion would require investing significantly more resources, which we currently don't have.

My suggestion is to focus on what we can do in the future. Our ultimate goal is to minimize cheating, and our current actions may not suffice to achieve this.
-- 99 賽季 1 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
Really? All you have to do is buy credits and all the restrictions become meaningless. So we should call for what it is, as long as you pay you do whatever you want, that includes cheating, It doesn't solve the issue.

I have a better idea for you, just put a price behind account creation, same concept and "will solve all the problems in the game". No more cheaters and you will have a player base with people who put money in the game.
-- 99 賽季 1 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
The majority of our users have never purchased credits, so it's unlikely that cheaters who haven't bought credits will start just to cheat.

While some cheaters will likely persist, reducing the overall incidence of cheating will make detection and investigation easier.

As outlined in the article, these restrictions are just the first step. If they prove insufficient, we'll explore further measures. If necessary, I'm prepared to eliminate these features entirely.

Let's monitor how these restrictions change the situation and reassess after some time to determine if further steps are necessary
-- 99 賽季 1 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)