

Lithuanian Basketball Federation

Hoved information
Federation president HeyHoudini
Oprettelsesdato 59S, 25Dag
Spots in the Fair play Committee 2
Fair play committee members Mirza


Currently there are no active suggestions

Icon Teacher: Formatas
-- 99 S 6 Dag
Feedback about the teacher:
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Icon Teacher: RokasV
-- 99 S 2 Dag
Feedback about the teacher: Neacako i klausimus
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
kad nebera jo man rodos -- 99 S 2 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Federation volunteer: RokasV
-- 85 S 40 Dag
New candidate to become volunteer. Candidate's introduction: Nors žaidžiu žaidimą salyginai neilgai, bet skiriu daug laiko ir esu susipažinęs su esminiais dalykais šiame žaidime. Manau, galėčiau skirti pakankamai laiko ir duoti neblogų patarimų naujiems vartotojams.
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Volunteer's application confirmed -- 85 S 40 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Volunteer was dismissed from his position by federation's president -- 99 S 2 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Icon Teacher: RokasV
-- 99 S 1 Dag
Feedback about the teacher:
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Icon Teacher: Formatas
-- 99 S 1 Dag
Feedback about the teacher: Tikrai netingi padėti bet kuriuo klausimu!
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)