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球員因為交易已轉換球隊 (ArMor Celtics) -- 53 賽季 34 天
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球員因為交易已轉換球隊 (castelmaggiore) -- 53 賽季 34 天
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Incredible gift from Castelmaggiore... -- 53 賽季 34 天
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Incredible!!!! -- 53 賽季 34 天
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我也要 -- 53 賽季 34 天
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in my opinion these trades are illegal,not by rules,but from normal game point.one player does not save any major money,other also does not rise his salaries.one gets very good SF,other gets not very good PG.also castelmaggiore trade his second SF to get 3rd PG? that makes no sense,especially when you trade your starting and best player! you can have any opinion what you want,but these trades are...even more terrible then tragic. -- 53 賽季 34 天
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http://www.bballzone.net/it/MainuLangas-informacija-792987.htm for nesta522 incredible -- 53 賽季 34 天
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Now we have the explanation. Castelmaggiore is in bankrupticy, so he gave his better to his friend. Duan has been ejected as higher salary. So it remains as a gift without negative compensation, what is totally illegal. Maybe Gaia didn't know about bankrupticy, maybe he knew ( and that would deserve penalty) -- 53 賽季 35 天
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5) You are not allowed to just give away the “unnecessary” players to other clubs (you are not allowed to make any gifts, etc.). If you want to get rid of a player, you have to fire him.
illegal trade,
-- 53 賽季 35 天
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chissa perche chi si lamenta e chi ha perso con me nel girone ( tra l altro con duan in squadra ) poracci -- 53 賽季 35 天
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你们是2个意大利人的肮脏交易!而美国人是为了减薪,他换了我的球员后,另一个球员没过多久就裁了 -- 53 賽季 35 天
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taci va fai piu bella figura -- 53 賽季 35 天
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http://www.bballzone.net/it/MainuLangas-informacija-792987.htm questo e uno scambio equooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo???????????????? -- 53 賽季 35 天
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