
Icon 交易/租借球員: Fung911 & SCBasket
-- 89 賽季 31 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 89 賽季 31 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 89 賽季 31 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 89 賽季 31 天
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球員: Otto Bentsen
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 89 賽季 31 天
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交易已接受 -- 89 賽季 31 天
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這筆交易被檢舉為不公平交易,但是公平競爭委員會決定這筆交易是公平的。 -- 89 賽季 31 天
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 8<br />
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These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
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-- 89 賽季 31 天
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one more ILLEGAL trade by Fung911: Andujar is a drafated player in its first contract, and by all rules written on this website it cannot be traded.
Once again I'm asking to FPC why they did not apply that rule.
-- 89 賽季 32 天
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Drafts can be traded in 2nd season. Many here have explained to you before. Do not cry like a stubborn and spoiled kid. -- 89 賽季 33 天
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Many here have explained to you before

not many. just you.
stop thinking you're ALL POWERFUL in this game.
I keep asking to FPC and to Admin to show me where it is that i can read about this rule update.
If there rule was NOT updated as you say, you should be expelled from the game for spreading lies.
and all those trades should be rescinded
-- 89 賽季 33 天
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Have you ever thought that it might be because people are tired of arguing with an incorrigible prig? -- 89 賽季 33 天
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Calm down this is supposed to be a fun game and you guys are ruining it for people with your mean comments -- 89 賽季 34 天
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Yes, incorrigible prig since 2015, so sad... -- 89 賽季 34 天
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