
遊戲新聞: Helloween!
-- 78 賽季 27 天
Happy Helloween! The Pumpkin game starts today!
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Sveikiname suradus laimingąjį paveiksliuką!
Premija jūsų klubui: 10000 Eu
Ačiū ir visiems gero HELOUVYNO VAKARE.
-- 78 賽季 27 天
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O galima antrą kartą dienoj surast paveiksliuką? Ar čia tik mitas? -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Deja, jūs pavėlavote. Kitas vartotojas buvo greitesnis. -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Sveikiname suradus laimingąjį paveiksliuką!
Premija jūsų klubui: 10000 Eu

Sugavau ta trofeju :D
-- 78 賽季 27 天
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Pavogei is manes -- 78 賽季 27 天
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I just have a question. The pumpkin appears at a certain time on every page of the game or is it hidden on a certain page until someone find it? -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Any page -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Houdi can i gęt couple pumpkins? Pm -- 78 賽季 27 天
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I had 3 today :D -- 78 賽季 27 天
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vialis sure bud, in next hour you getting those 3 -- 78 賽季 27 天
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houdini you did a mistake and sent me those 3... -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Houdini what's happening? Mistake after mistake, first with Kalade, today with pumpkins..... -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Pas mane nelenda jau kelintas eventas niek nera. -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Fake holiday should give fake money -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Forgot to remove mirza from the list, last time did him a huge favor.. sorry vialis, next hour should be for you -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Premija jūsų klubui: 10000 Eu
-- 78 賽季 27 天
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Mitas paneigtas. Rasta antra premija 10000 Eu -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Neblogas mitas snd 3 jau radau -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Rast tai as 5 radau, bet pagaut nei vienos nepavyko... -- 78 賽季 27 天
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O jūs gyvenimus turit??? -- 78 賽季 27 天
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:D -- 78 賽季 27 天
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Lapkricio 1 imtinai? Ar jau nebus moliugu? -- 78 賽季 28 天
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Tai kaip? Randat dar moliūgų? -- 78 賽季 28 天
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:) Happy Helloween :) AMžiaus bajeris, mirusių diena HAPPY :) Na bendrai, mirt turbūt ne tai kad HAPPY bet ir FUN -- 78 賽季 34 天
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Kaip cia tik dabar supratai, jei toks protingas. Seniausiai tas naratyvas happy halloween yra daromas, nieko cia naujo nepasake. -- 78 賽季 34 天
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Kaip suprantu, šiemet moliūgų neieškosim -- 84 賽季 14 天
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Kur moliūgai??? -- 84 賽季 14 天
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Perdaug moliūgai nuovargio per nacionalines susirinko, tai šiandien pailsėt nusprendė -- 84 賽季 14 天
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nefainiai -- 84 賽季 14 天
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Not a single one haha -- 84 賽季 14 天
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o iki kada sis eventas ? :D -- 84 賽季 14 天
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radau -- 84 賽季 14 天
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o lapkričio 1d. dar bus sis event ? :D :D -- 84 賽季 14 天
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Kad nėra dabar.. -- 84 賽季 14 天
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:D :D :D oi 2020 metu :D :D :D nepastebejau -- 84 賽季 14 天
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Savrbu radai -- 84 賽季 14 天
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I have not this newd in news of the game, and from Yesterday i didnt see a single pumpkin.... well done? -- 84 賽季 15 天
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pippo it's a post from 2020. This year there was no pumpkin game -- 84 賽季 15 天
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I been looking very carefully lol thanks -- 84 賽季 15 天
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