Basın toplantısı

Icon Bilinmeyen takas
-- 41 S 8 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Oyuncu: Aldo Strader
Oyuncunun takımı takas nedeniyle değişti (Just_Bloo_me(Closed)) -- 41 S 8 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Oyuncunun takımı takas nedeniyle değişti (tall and thicks) -- 41 S 8 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Good trade but sad to see Strader leave... One of the best players in recent history of the club -- 41 S 8 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Good trade for both teams given their current position -- 41 S 8 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Thanks we need better defensive center Cheyne has the tools for that... Strader RT is dropping at a faster rate but he can play Div 2 well it just be matter of limiting his injuries and minutes -- 41 S 9 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
And I needed the extra cash....The drop this year has hit me hard between the lower attendance and lesser payment from Sponsors -- 41 S 10 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
I had hoped for a bigger jump in income going from US 3.3 and WL 6.12 to US 2.2 and WL 5.6, but all I got was a small hiccup. -- 41 S 10 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
yeah the income jump is small we used to be the 2nd biggest country after Lithuania but the last few years we have dropped managers -- 41 S 10 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
So far I've had to cut 17k in salaries this season which on top of the 28k in penalties has left me pretty much broke. I'm ready to give in the season and just focus on rebuilding. If either of you are interested in any player of mine outside of Papley or Wymer let me know -- 41 S 10 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Sorry but Wymer is the only player with value left ... -- 41 S 11 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Yeah pretty much, but he is the focal point of my rebuilding (denominative player) so I plan on keeping him. Thanks for the help you did give -- 41 S 11 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)