
Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков: Peñarol & Sanjuanino
-- 56 сез. 35 д.
neblogai padėjo savo draugeliui, nenustebčiau, jai būtų sutarę kitą sezoną atsikeist :D
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Na ka, manau, kad si diena dviem komandom bus paskutine zaidime. GG, nuostabus mainai. -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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Švogerių mainus primena. Kinai pasius jei šie mainai liks be baudos :) -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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išsiaiškinau, tai taip kaip maniau ir yra, jis pratęs kontraktą ir kitą sezoną atsimainys normaliai :D jaigu nebaus, tai reiks ir man tokias varkes daryt :D -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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jau pratese :) -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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Rip both teams :DD -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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Taktika nebloga Penarolui pratęsimų gal trūksta :D -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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Jei nebaus, tada bus galima užkulisiuose su mažesniais klubais tartis dėl pratęsimų taip jų skaičių pasididinant iki belekiek. O realiai bauda turi būti viena jau dėl logikos. Penarolas gavo 5 didelį ir liko su 2 PG/SG, pinigų nesutaupė, paseno, ir susilpnėjo. Panašu, kad užsieniečiai vis galvoja, kad gali apgauti sistemą :) -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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Nu bet kam daryt tokius akivaizdziai absurdiskus mainus, jus man paaiskinkit? Tai bent padoru zaideja atgal pasiimtu, o cia seni 33m ir dar mazesniu vk atiduoda. Blemba, kaip kokia Kildisiene Range Roveri vairuoja 5k per metus uzdirbdama, taip ir siti du dundukai :D -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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bet kaip toks patyręs klubas kaip penarol sugalvojo padaryt tokią nesamonę. priė manęs dėl žymiai normalesnių mainų kabinėjosi, tai čia be kalbų turi baust. -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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As some users are starting to ask I will explain. I made a mistake so I can't renew Zamora's contract. Zamora will be a better player than Carrea but after adding experience he is not better now. So Sanjuaninos isn't benefiting right now because of the trade and he won't benefit in the future because Zamora will be back to my team in day 1 of next season. Basically the trade we made is he renews Zamora's contract, preventing it from getting too expensive in limited market and in exchange I am giving him Estevez and Sandoval on day 1. No advantage for him now, not for me. We are not breaking any rule, I read it several times. I have been playing this game since long and I won't risk it unless I am sure that the trade is fair and within rules. -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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I am gettin rid of 2 players to get my player back with his contract renewed -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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I have same problem for youngster that I would prefer extending than seeing them in market. I think it's cheating what you made, rules are the same for everyone...Otherwise ronas would not have given this player to you! -- 56 сез. 35 д.
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What rule did I broke Slamgot? I only came out with this idea, checked out the rules, got sure the other team wouldn't benefit in short term. I've been building up my team for years...

If the devs think this is against the spirit of the game then reverse the trade... at this point there's so many users complaining I am starting to think the trade won't be allowed. But I didn't mean to cheat, and I still think I didn't so if this is cheating please add a rule.
-- 56 сез. 36 д.
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Kur tas Dariu, kai jo labiausiai reikia? Vėl kokiu tai šeimos pagausėjimu užsiiminėja... :D -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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I just referenced a rule you broke. Btw, trades are not reversed if you have noticed that earlier. Usually, players are sacked, fines are applied -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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slamgot right. ok, i'm going to sleep, hope to see justice in the morning :) -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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Justice....hahah....you are a looser ronas, and you are an annoying user that is why the others users blocked you. -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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I think both users nico and sakuragui are honest. Trade has only to be reversed in my opinion, no fine. But we have to add a rule about that cause you have to admit that you bend the rules about number of renews. We need good users, and we need to keep fair play here. -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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An old rule, still on the french version, said that you can't trade for a short time a player before getting him back. There is loan for that (which is useless in our case) This rule has to be back, and that's why there is no need to fine users, because they are admistratively right, but fair play looking wrong... -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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Thank you Slamgot. -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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Oh,this trade is really beautiful. Really really beautiful. -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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Whatever you plan to do later,I don't care. Simply THIS trade is not fair! Want to trade A for B and later trade C and D for A: who cares! But make two fair trades! -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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il_vas,i can agree,i think he lost his player because trades was not fair,not because what he wanted to do after.there is no rule that you can't trade,later offer other guys and trade him back even if he renew contract. -- 56 сез. 36 д.
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