conferência de imprensa

Icon Troca/Emprestando jogadores: JNU & ManGata
-- 60 T 10 d.
Thank you. The 10 potential SG has terrible offense potential (ps:passing even as low as -40%); the 9 potential sg has very normal potential and he has the same position as another Y.Xia in my youth team. I have too many talent SG so I would like to exchange them for your C. I know Dia Guo was jumping from 9 potential and he ranks 8th in the world in the same age now. Dia Guo would be my main C in the 3~4 seasons later. This is a win-win trade.(10潜垃圾没进攻矮子sg随便拿去,9潜sg一般般,打包换你一个9潜飞升的C。为了防止鬼佬看不懂乱举报,写这么多也是煞费苦心了...你应该,不是要用来坑鬼佬吧?)
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)
wocao!Nv Za这内潜...真鸡儿渣!能退货吗吗吗吗.... -- 60 T 10 d.
-- (Traduzir) (Traduzir EN)