conferência de imprensa

Icon Troca/Emprestando jogadores: MAESTRO & Kansas
-- 67 T 18 d.
Equipe fez uma oferta de troca
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Começou a jogar em um novo time após uma troca -- 67 T 18 d.
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Começou a jogar em um novo time após uma troca -- 67 T 18 d.
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Jogador: William Burlton
Começou a jogar em um novo time após uma troca -- 67 T 18 d.
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Oferta de troca aceita -- 67 T 18 d.
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A troca foi revertida pelo comitê de "Fair play" -- 67 T 22 d.
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Tikras "Maestro" ka tik uzdaryti 3 "pagalbiniai" klubai. -- 67 T 22 d.
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kurie čia? -- 67 T 22 d.
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The three teams that have reached a deal with MAESTRO (three teams from different countries) are closed today! And MAESTRO is still here! Interesting! -- 67 T 22 d.
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Ačiū visiems už diskusijas. Jų ir FTC dėka, buvo surasta, kad klubai susiję ir imtasi atitinkamų priemonių. -- 67 T 22 d.
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kelis kartus klausiau, bet niekas neatsake. Matyt per tyliai kalbejau. Kalbesiu garsiau. KOKIU BUDU GALIMA PASIKELTI MAINU LYGI ? -- 67 T 22 d.
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Berods buvo kalbėta, jog po sezono pakils, jeigu nebuvo nusižengimų -- 67 T 22 d.
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tai po 4-5 sezonu visi tures 10 ? :D -- 67 T 22 d.
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Tai jei tu per sezona neatlikes jokiu mainu, niekas tau ir nepakils ;D. -- 67 T 22 d.
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Will the trading rating increase? how? -- 67 T 22 d.
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Will the trading rating increase? how? -- 67 T 22 d.
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yes, if you will trade without penalties. Just don't know how many trades there has to be
-- 67 T 22 d.
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Will it recover 6 without a violation of the rules in a season? Will it improve every season? -- 67 T 22 d.
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In your question can answer only Admins my friend. -- 67 T 22 d.
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