Конференција за штампа

Icon Тргување/размена/Играчи ставени за позајмица: Vounaria & Marseille
-- 83 С 28 д
Тимот на клубот даде понуда за тргување/размена
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Почна да игра во нов тим по тргувањето/размената -- 83 С 28 д
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Почна да игра во нов тим по тргувањето/размената -- 83 С 28 д
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Почна да игра во нов тим по тргувањето/размената -- 83 С 28 д
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Почна да игра во нов тим по тргувањето/размената -- 83 С 28 д
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Прифатена е понудата за тргување/размена -- 83 С 28 д
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Тргувањето/размената е поништено од "Фер плеј" комисијата. -- 83 С 34 д
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Фер плеј комисијата одлучи дека тргувањето/замената е нефер и клубовите добиваат предупредување за следно прекршување казна. -- 83 С 34 д
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 10<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 1<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
2 - Significantly unfair to other users (for example, when strong and cheap player is moved to lower division).<br />
5 - Overuse of disbalanced trades. Players&#39; trade somehow has to benefit both teams (financially, in respect of team composition, etc). Good but expensive player can be traded to a bit worse but cheaper player. This type of trade can not be overused.<br />
2 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
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1 - Other reasons. Volunteers wrote explanations: <br />
--- <br />
-- 83 С 34 д
-- (Преведи) (Преведи EN)
Hello to every member of the commitee. Just wanted to understand the rules of the game, was it my team that was benefited by the trade, or the other team? In my mind I got some mediocre but ready players to stay in the category only for this year, and other team got rid of mediocre players and got better players but for the future. -- 83 С 35 д
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xdddd -- 83 С 35 д
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Décision complètement stupide !! j'échange des joueurs qui sont âgés et pas performant dans ma division contre de jeunes joueurs a fort potentiel et l'autre équipe récupère des joueurs utiles pour sa division. Où est la triche dans ce trade ?? Si les trades sont autorisés que pour des joueurs de même niveau et même âge vous pouvez supprimer les trades, ils n'ont aucun intérêt... -- 83 С 35 д
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