Trade information


Start of negotiation 2019-08-12- 22:54
End of negotiation 2019-08-12- 22:57
Restrictions' level 7
Bjorgvin Köhler
Salary: -
Contract: School talent Age: 18 y.
RT: 99 Height: 178 cm.
Potential: 6
Arben Curri
Salary: -
Contract: School talent Age: 18 y.
RT: 79 Height: 208 cm.
Potential: 4
Aleksas Kilieša
Salary: -
Contract: School talent Age: 18 y.
RT: 88 Height: 218 cm.
Potential: 5
Naglis Volotkevic
Salary: -
Contract: School talent Age: 14 y.
RT: 32 Height: 153 cm.
Potential: 8
Icon Trade/Lending players: VSAT-LZD & Majestics
-- 71 S 22 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Show hidden replies: 4
Trade offer accepted -- 71 S 22 d.
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Trade has been reverted by the "Fair play" committee -- 71 S 23 d.
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The Fair play committee decided that this trade is unfair and both teams were punished. -- 71 S 23 d.
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