
-- 56 S 20 Dag
Tiredness affects health is a bad idea in my opinion because it will result in everyone choosing tactics that protect from that. Everyone will be in a 2-3 zone and that will end up with everyone shooting 60 three pointers every game.
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
where was you hearing those suggestions to remove health? -- 56 S 20 Dag
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Never said to remove it, I only said that if you have tiredness of a match affect health then most will choose conservative tactics to protect health. Bother than that I don't care if health is included. Already certain tactics seem to have more negatives than others. I don't want to see that happen some more. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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I guess when it asks for suggestions and opinions we are not supposed to express them now? -- 56 S 20 Dag
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gedunex was referring to the help file words from administration, they say it. I think it is a good idea to tie health to tiredness and try to prevent teams from over using and abusing players as they do now. It just makes sense. I also agree with all of the suggestions. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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M_B1960,you are right. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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I have no doubt that some teams would play with more limited tactics. But that is the price to pay, if team is playing with 7-8 players. Right?

"I guess when it asks for suggestions and opinions we are not supposed to express them now?"
On the contrary, we created this to have more opinions and suggestions!
Please don`t hesitate and also write what you think about "changes that could be realized for the next season".
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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Overall tiredness I too am fine with it affecting health as it does now, just not okay with someone having 90-100% tired for one game and having their health affected if after the 90-100% tired for that game they still have an overall tiredness that is still in the green. As far as it being a deterrent to not run their players into the ground, there currently exists deterrents and that doesn't stop people from doing it anyway. Not only will teams now play zone more frequently but they will all play slow pace, no fast breaks, no crashing boards hard and you still will be having players play only 24 minutes a game just in case to cover if another team does tactics (possibly even on purpose) to tire the other teams players out. I already think that players playing only 26 minutes and getting extremely tired is bad because players play much more than that in real life and function fine. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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Thank you A-Darius -- 56 S 20 Dag
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I don't see the point as well. It is always painful when youngster I have lended ends up in a team which varies tactics a lot - you have to check the tiredness after each game, shape might fluctuate and health normally decreases a bit. If you apply your idea to decrease health after every game above some tiredness threshold - it will then affect not only training performance (as it is now), but would also automatically decrease health. I think it is exaggerated a lot. In the nba, you play many games, you play very high tempo but you have some rest due to small amount of trainings and team practices. In Europe, players train a lot more and have less playing time. Would you be able to draw a line between these leagues and tell that NBA players are less durable? I wouldn't say so. Tiredness already damages training, hitting health additionally would force the game into tactical monotony. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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Agreed with superdzonis. I could set my team's tactics to control tireness. But I cannot to force the teams who borrowed my players to do so. There is no reason to let them sacrifice their possible winninsg for protecting my player's training and health. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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90-100% tiredness affecting healt is a bad idea is what I meant and should have typed. There are way too many negative ramifications with doing this. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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Here's how I would think health could change.

1. Remove it from training and having a personal potential for each player.

2. Have it become continuous rather than in increments of 5%.

3. Every day that a player plays to the point of being 90% or higher from the game, there is a reduction in health. It would be a drastic impact, like maybe 5 or 10%.

4. If a player is not in good shape, they would lose health daily. 1% for being a bit off, 2% for far off.

5. A player recovers 1%(or could change) every week if they stay healthy for the entire week and don't go extreme in the single game.

6. When a player gets injured, they lose a portion of their health. The higher the health before the injury, the shorter the injury time as well.

These are just some of my initial thoughts on useful changes.
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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Just some thoughts on "price to pay" for teams playing with 7-8 players on their roster. The reason they can do it successfully is playing at a slow pace lowers your the amount they get tired too much. If you want there to be a price for it a
possible solution I see is increasing the tiredness of slow pace and maybe even decrease tiredness of fast pace. Or, another possibility is decrease the effectiveness of offenses playing slow and/or increase the effectiveness of offenses playing fast.
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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I Think,“health” become “Stamina” is better and easy! -- 56 S 20 Dag
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Turėjau mintį, kuri čia galbūt tiktų. Kaip suprantu yra atsipalaidavimo faktorius rungtynėse, jei komanda laimi dideliu skirtumu. Galėtų būti pasirinkimas taktikoje, kad neatsipalaiduoti arba taupyti esant reikšmingam skirtumui. Tai galėtų mažinti arba didinti nuovargį ir atitinkamai sveikatą. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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Man yra iškilęs klausimas bendrai. Treniruočių nustatymuose pasirenkame, kad treniruosime sveikatą. Jeigu aš nuostatymuose pasirenku 10% intensyvumą, tai reiškia, kad mano personalas( gydytojai, masažistai ir t.t.) deda labai mažas pastangas, kad atstatytų mano žaidėjo sveikatą.
Jeigu aš nustatymuose pasirenku 100% intensyvumą, tai reiškia, kad mano personalas (gydytojai, masažistai ir t.t.) deda maksimalias pastangas, kad mano žaidėjas greičiau atsistatytų sveikatą.
Logiškai mastant personalas visada turi dėti maksimalias pastangas, kad žaidėjo forma būtų kuo geresnė, tai kam tuomet yra procentalus sveikatos įgūdžio gerinimas?
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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pritariu 100% -- 56 S 20 Dag
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I like Gambit's ideas except a 5 or 10% penalty for 1 game ending in 90% or more is too extreme. What if one or two players foul out in 5 minutes ( as I've seen WAY too often )...your remaining players who can play those positions will no doubt be 90% or more.
Reducing the effectiveness of slow pace is not good either as it has already been nerfed at least once that I can remember. ( esp the 'shot clock expired' chance ).
I do think having health/stamina w/e you want to call it is good, and if the injury chances and durations ( 3 days is insanely unfair as it could cause you to lose 3 games in WL play ) are adjusted it would be great (tie length to health% of player).
As far as the lending players to teams that will over play them, it could be built in to allow you to recall them I imagine?
Lastly, please implement some form of foul control management options this year. So tired of my players that are better or very near equal fouling out in <10 minutes.
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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O ar nereiketu pirmiausia pakeisti ta dalyka kad nuo 30 tampa "pensininkais", pervargsta ,sveikata krenta, juk tai kaiptik gali but pats jegu zydejimas. Nuo kokiu 32-33 galetu but jau tas silpnejimas. Dabar rinkoj 80% yra vadinami seniai, ir nieks ju nenori, ar butum is 7tos lygos, ar is 1mos, visiem reik pestis del keliu normaliu zaideju.
ENG- does anyone think that health/stamina shouldn't go down when player is just 30 years old? I mean it's too early, especially I relate this with excessive amount of "old" players in the market. If health of player would go down after 32-33 years old, would be better, and then teams from low and high leagues wouldn't fight for two three acceptable players..
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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Parašysiu lietuviškai, nes labai tingiu keverzoti užsienietiškai, plius man naujieną rodo tik lietuviškai :)

Pirmiausia dėl kito sezono pakitimų (galimų):
1. Įdomu kaip tai atrodytų, norėtųsi kažkokių pvz (kaip kristų įgūdžiai 50% sveikatos turinčiam žaidėjui ir tarkim 80%) ir koks skirtumas būtų nuo dabartinės sistemos.
2. Pilnai pritariu šiai minčiai, tai gerokai paskatintų savininkus treniruoti sveikatą savo žaidėjams, tik pastabėlė, manau, kad vis turi turėti vienodas sąlygas tam 100%, tad manau visi žaidėjai nuo pradžių turėtų turėti 100% sveikatos (nes šio įgūdžio vidiniai potencialai būna labai skirtingi ir vienam žaidėjui nuo 90% užauginti sveikatą gali prireikti kone puse sezono, kai kitam tik 1 savaitės, čia matau nelygias galimybes)

Daugiau darbo ir diskusijų reikalaujančios idėjos:

Jaunų žaidėjų traumos gal ir geras dalykas, realybėje tai juk niekas neapsaugotas nuo traumų ir nesvarbu koks tavo amžius. Bet traumas dalinti ar mažinti sveikatą už rungtynių nuovargį prasta mintis, tam juk ir reguliuojame treniruotes, kad žaidėjai išlaikytų gerą formą ir sveikata nenukentėtų, o tuo pačiu ir pavyktų traumų išvengti. Manau būtų protingiau, kad skaičiuotųsi nuovargio vidurkis (už rungtynes ir treniruotes) sezono metu ir viršijus tą vidurkį gaunama trauma, o vidurkio riba galėtų būti skirtinga kiekvienam žaidėjui. 4 punktas kaip ir labiau tenkintų, bet tik tokiu atveju, jei bus užtikrinta, kad per sezoną žaidėjas visvien pamažu neteks tų pačių 10% kaip ir dabar. Ir dar kartą pasikartosiu, kad sveikata turėtų būti įtakojama ne nuo rungtynių nuovargio, o nuo bendro dienos nuovargio (rungtynių ir treniruočių). Tai tiek, ačiū kad skaitėte ;)
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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as manau, kad gera ideja butu, kad zaidejai senukais taptu veliau, nes ir dabar kiek dar yra geru zaideju 31-32 metu, manau nuo kokiu 33 ar bent 32 metu padarytu kad kristi tik pradetu igudziai -- 56 S 20 Dag
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Si dice misura in radianti di un angolo la lunghezza dell’arco indi-
viduato dalle semirette che determinano l’angolo sulla circonferenza unitaria di centro il
punto d’incontro delle semirette stesse.
Sottolineiamo che la precedente definizione, sebbene intuitiva, non pu`o considerarsi
rigorosa, dal momento che non abbiamo precisato come si possa definire e calcolare la
lunghezza di un arco di circonferenza. Questo si pu`o fare, sfruttando le propriet`a della
circonferenza, in modo elementare (cio`e seguendo gli Elementi di Euclide, dove l’argo-
mento `e trattato in modo esauriente), oppure come caso particolare di una trattazione
generale del problema della lunghezza delle curve, che viene studiata nel corso di Analisi
matematica II.
Vogliamo ora passare ad una misura orientata degli angoli, cos`ı come si fa per le
misura lineari quando si introduce la nozione di ascissa. Per prima cosa, scegliamo di
considerare positivo il verso antiorario di percorrenza della circonferenza, e misuriamo gli
angoli a partire dal semiasse positivo delle x.
-- 56 S 20 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Atsipalaidavimo faktorius yra beveik visose varikliuko vietos ir jį išjungti būtų itin sudėtinga. Taip pat ir negalima, nes tada atsirastų daug nelogiškų rezultatų.

iš tiesų geras klausimas. Kai pradėsim dirbti būtinai panagrinėsiu tą vietą. Galbūt reiktų padaryti jog dirbant su sveikata intensyvumas visada būtų 100%. Tuo pačiu greičiau atsistatytų žaidėjo forma.

Palangoj: Karjeros pikas realybėje krepšininkams būna 27m (NBA statistika). Pas mus žaidime pikas yra 29-30m. Kas yra net vėliau negu realybėje.

evinelis: Mažinti sveikatą priklausomai nuo intensyvumo + nuovargio irgi svarstytinas variantas. Bet toks pakeitimas neskatintų komandų naudoti daugiau žaidėjų ir turėtų mažą naudą.
-- 56 S 20 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
Does anyone know something why we should not realize updates marked as:
"changes that could be realized for the next season" ?
As these things can be done for the next season, it is priority right now.

Decreasing health because of tiredness is definitely not "decided" yet. But somehow we need to connect these things: tiredness, health, shape, injuries.
About lending: I think it would be possible to add option to get player back because of tiredness (similar as it is now because of playing time)
I think we should not start with big tiredness impact to health, we can start with very small and increase it with time (if it is needed)

There are few things about tiredness:
1. In reality teams have 12-13 players not because "they can`t play 25-30 minutes", but because of injuries, changes in shape, fouls and similar things.
2. So we can`t just increase tiredness effect during the match. Even now this part is not realistic - tired players play too bad compared with reality.
3. Tiredness should be more visible not in the match but after the match. It should increase chances to get injury or decrease training effectiveness or decease chances to stay in perfect shape.

Thanks for suggestions, but this would require to completely remake a lot of parts in the game. We definitely can`t do that in near future. So we need to focus not on completely new system, but on small updates that can adjust the current system.

jupiter112: I think "stamina" is not the right term. Stamina would be ability to stay long in the court but not related with "injuries" or "long career". Maybe native English speakers could comment and offer the appropriate word?
-- 56 S 20 Dag
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All right the I changed my mind, I am for how it is proposed. The effect will be interesting. I definitely like the fact that young players can get injured as well. It makes it more realistic and though at times it will be painful at times when it happens to your own team, because of injuries, the best team won't necessarily win. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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and tactics won't matter because most teams will be choosing the same conservative tactics - which actually will help 8 man teams. -- 56 S 20 Dag
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a-darius I haven't followed the whole thing but something else to possibly consider (and sorry if I missed it) is you can link tiredness / effectiveness also with age. It already is to some extent but if you drive an older player into the ground it should be different than if you do it to a younger player -- 56 S 20 Dag
-- (Oversæt) (Oversæt EN)
I totally agree with these suggestions! But it could be nice to make play the young talents of the basketball school (without contract) sometimes. For exemple when you have some players injured and you don't want to play the game only with 6-7 players (to prevent them from tiredness). And I think it would be more realistic! -- 56 S 21 Dag
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Yes, youth players should be allowed to join somehow avoiding transfer fee -- 56 S 21 Dag
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I like that idea if it was youth team....maybe like have a small fee associated with called an injury contract. 5% of full salary for a 1 day temporary play and you get x amount per year -- 56 S 21 Dag
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I would like to see such changes. Than we could have additional Honor Award - Iron Man. Like in NBA there are players who look upon them selves and show good play till 40 - like Duncan Horry etc... In reality possibility on injuries doesn't fully depend on age. I would say it's not even a major factor. Major is how many injuries you had previously and how severe they were. This increases possibility to get a new one even in good condition. I would add such factor - on certain number of injuries (or total sum of all injury days) increase possibility to get a new injury. Second factor could be exhaustion in game and last age. In this place later there could be added more features like Financial sectors - if they are grate they could lower injuries days total because of good rehabilitation conditions in team (or credits player has - more income to the game :) ). -- 56 S 25 Dag
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Something I just noticed in sector financing...56S, 25d. Popularity - Good player released before play-offs -10. This guy had 15% needs taken into account! -- 56 S 29 Dag
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Lietuviškai geriau tiktų atsparumas nei sveikata -- 57 S 63 Dag
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