Progress: new trades’ system and new game’s design


We want to share the newest information related with these very important updates.

This season is one of the most intense in the game’s history. Three people are working on the game! We plan to keep this intensity until these updates are included.

We already have initial trades’ functionality. Players from basketball school, youth team and even lent players will be available for trades!

Trades restrictions’ system is also finished. It will be very flexible and we will be able to adjust restrictions quite easily.

The initial trades’ restrictions will depend on how much functionality we have in the initial version. 
In the first version we will probably not be able to implement the Fair play volunteers’ team yet but we hope to have possibility to revert trades.

The new game`s design is also moving forward. Our biggest challenge is to adapt our 10 years old code to work correctly on the new system. Basically we have to disassemble, update and then reassemble each part of the game.

There still is a lot of work to be done but we hope we will be able to include the update in the beginning of the next season. 


News about the progress of the current updates: new trades' system and new game's design!
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