
Nachrichten des Spiels: Further game development
-- 68 S 62 T.
What should be the next big job in the game? Options and discussions.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
trenerių atnaujinimo norėtūsi labiausiai, dar naujokų birža įdomus variantas, tik norėtūsi plačiau sužinoti, kokie tie talentai būtų. -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
- match engine
- jump coach
-- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
As uz treneriu arba varikliuko atnaujinimus. -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Dėl biržos, tai nesąmonė, kad geriausią šaukimą turėtų komanda daugiausiai investavusi. Tokia komanda ir taip prisikautina tu žaidėjų ir tada Jūs siūlot dar ją apdovanot :D Tai neturėtų būt susiję su investavimu, nes investuoja tie, kurie tu šaibų, o tai reiškia, kad tą šaukimą bus galimą tiesiog "nusipirkti". -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Paadarykit, kad rinktinės duotų kažkokią naudą. Treneriams, žadėjams. -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Treneriu ir varikliuko atnaujinimai butu gerai. Bet varikliuko tik didziausias klaidas. Naujoku birza butu idomu bet noretusi kiek daugiau informacijos, nes isivaizduoju kad nemazai truktu kol padarytas toks atnaujinimas -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Beje keista kad nera apklausos kur butu galima balsuoti (ar as nematau jos?) Ar bus atsizvelgta tik i komentavusius? -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Sajanai, atidžiau skaityk: "Atsižvelgdami į šį sąrašą bei Jūsų komentarus surengsime žaidimo apklausą..."
Apklausa bus vėliau.
-- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Varikliuko klaidų taisymą! -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
i would love to see a better match engine -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
atsiminkit, kad jei taisys varikliuką , vėl viską išbalansuos, nes kitaip neįmanoma. tai vėl reikės taikytis prie kažko kitokio -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
3 ir 1 arba 2 manau aktualiausia. Dėl varikliuko keitimo, tai neaišku kas norima daryti, bet taisytinų vietų ir neaiškių vietų ten yra, jei būtų konkrečiau parašyta ką keistumėt gal bent jau man jis kiltų aukščiau visų punktų -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
3; 4; 6 is my picks.
3. Would be interesting that Federation could organize friendly tournaments (9th point) something like Federation Cup, where Federation could award teams by credits they have.
4. Would be nice to know those areas that can be fixed if this point is chosen
6. As coaches take a lot of time to grow to useful level, coach update would be interesting with players becoming coaches and coach's improvement jumps
-- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Top 3 in order 6 - 3 - 7 -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
As few of you pointed the draft system, I will try to explain a bit more.
Draft system probably is the biggest challenge in this list. But this is what I am waiting for the most. It might help to fix many different problems:

1. increase value of national teams. The country of each talent will be decided by probability, which depends on:
a. how many clubs from this country are in the league
b. which place national teams of this country won
c. did these national teams make better or worse than expected (based on team's rankings)

2. The best game's talents will come from the drafts, not from scouts. So, we will remove "guaranteed player from scouts" option. Probably also chances to get TOP level talent will be reduced. This feature is often criticized as teams invest a lot of money and get not what they want. With draft system teams will have a chance to choose player that fits their team best.

3. Currently most of the teams play with 7-9 players.... The main reason is that we do not have injuries for young players.
In the drafts some players will have better RT but worse health. So, eventually teams will use more players as big part of the players will be able to get injury.

The game engine:
Basically if this is what users decide by voting - all known issues (written in forum) will be reviewed, and then we will decide what should be done. Basically this is about fixing bugs, calibrating tactics, fixing some "bad" parts.

Personally I don`t think that this should be the priority right now. Match engine updates do not bring more fun, and after each update users are upset because they have to adapt to the changes.

As lately we do not bring any update that is "fun", my vote would be for something that is completely new: drafts, user ranking, new national leagues or federations' features.
The next one can be about "fixing" things (forum or press, engine or coaches)
But we will see what is the opinion of the users.

The main purpose of this article is to answer the question:
Should we add something else to this list?

p.s. please write in English if you can.
-- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
3, 7 and 8 looks interesting for me -- 68 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
6 is definitely a big one -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I am liking the sound of option 8 now as well. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
4, 6 and 8 for me. Drafts sounds interesting... -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Yes I change my order to 8 - 3 -6 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
8 6 3 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
8.6.3 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
8 6 3 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
8,6,3 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Draft -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Can a player who plays for a new club for five seasons or more receive the same treatment as his own player after a swap? Perhaps it could be worse than they were paid, which would avoid the loss of some meaningless bids -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Improve the injury of players, regardless of age, from the cumulative fatigue and league game intensity to determine whether a player will be injured, a long time to participate in high-intensity games will increase the probability of injury, sometimes, injury can let the player miss a few games or even a dozen games, sometimes is a 1-2 season truce -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
6 is the most important thing to me. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
A player's health only determines how many years he can play, not how many injuries he can avoid -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Coaches update & More potential fo federations -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Thanks.I think:
6.Coaches' update
8.Drafts system
3.Add more potential for federations
-- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Panaikintumėt garantuotą traukimą? Tai kaip ubagiškiems klubams išskautint gerą žaidėją? Ar tada jau reikės tankint, kaupt babkes, kad kitą sezoną galėčiau skautus šturmuot? Viskas ką jūs siūlot yra skirta turtingiems klubams. Bet jeigu Jūsų toks tikslas, tai okey. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
One more thing I would like to see in BasketPulse is the HISTORICAL records for my team.
Right now we can access to head-to-head vs my opponents ONLY from the Schedule menu before the game is played.
It means the data are available.
I would like to be able to so the same for any other team, at any time.
Same, I would like to be able to check previous seasons' standings, for all Leagues.
As a Premium feature, of course
-- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
5 and 6, my vote... -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Smagu, kad yra daugybė pasirinkimų ir žaidimas juda tolyn ;) 7,6,9,3,8,5 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
8 6 3 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Also, maybe YL should be more competitive? -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Most important thing for me is coaches. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Quizá que se pueda mejorar el estadio mediante dinero -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
6,7and 9 -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
When we re-make league's page to the new game's system and new design, probably we will make this, too.

Actually, I have no idea how to make YL more competitive... We already made that winning matches helps increasing experience and I am not sure what else we can do in this area.
Probably we can try to make all the game more competitive by implementing users' rankings (10th in the list). If we calculate "points" correctly, users will have too fight for good results in all areas of the game.

Drafts will bring the opposite. Now rich clubs invest a lot of money and can get any talents. After the update there will be less talents and sometimes users without investing at all will get them. For example, by going to the upper league.
Also more players will not have "scouted" bonus, so there will be more players in the market.. Now the market is empty because all valuable players' contracts are extended before the market.

we had long injuries many seasons ago. Users did not liked them because then random can hit very strongly for a team...
I think we whould stay with "short" injuries. We can have more of them. Or create some sort of half injury: "player is injuried, however he can play 10-30% weaker)
-- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Jaunimo lygose galetu buti playofai, bet tarkim iseina visos komandos i juos ir po to ten issiaiskini visas vietas ir ne serija o vienos rungtynes tiesiog.

Trenerius butu gerai jog ir leistu pridet i garbes lenta.

Del legionieriu galetu buti panasus modelis kaip Hattrick kad legionieriam moki extra procenta automatiskai
-- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I really like the idea of a draft, however there would have to be some sort of normalization for what league you are in to how much you put towards the pick. Otherwise the teams with more money (high division) would be guaranteed the better players and there wouldn't be a good way for the lower division teams to improve. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
7. one league for all federation's teams -
So all countries all in the federation will be treated as domestic in this league? This league will have bigger RT and more funds from sponsors...
-- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Sakyčiau kad pati "draftų" idėja yra viliojanti paties principo, tačiau pagal a-darius aprašytus žaidimo pakeitimus ir numatomą draftų principą, mano nuomone, tai yra labiau idėjos užuomazga, nei realus modelis.

1. Dėl to, kad komandos žaidžia su mažai žaidėjų manau pagrindinė priežastis yra ne traumų tikimybė, bet tai, kad rinkos pasiūla yra gana skurdi atsižvelgiantį tai kokias algas siūlo aukštesnių lygų komandos. Tiesiog žemesnių lygų komandoms nėra galimybės susirinkti "ilgą suolelį" išlaikant konkurencingą komandą, todėl net ir su mažiau sveikatos turinčiais žaidėjais komandos priverstos rizikuoti su mažesniu žaidėjų skaičiumi.
2. Kalabnt apie draftus, bent šiame aprašyme trūksta paties draftų modelio aprašymo, nes vien jau tavo mini-aprašymas papildytas komentaruose visiškai neatitinka to, kokią pavyzdžiui aš susidariau nuomonę perskaitęs tokio patobulinimo varianto pasiūlymą. Manau, kad daug kam čia kils neaiškumų. Vienas pavyzdžių - kaip draftai bus paskirstomi per skirtingų pajėgumų lygas (1,2,3,4 ir kt. lygos...), bei dar galima būtų atrasti daug neapibrėžtų klausimų.

All in all - manau draftai būtų tikrai labai įdomus sprendimas, jeigu kaip kai kurie žaidėjais sakė, tai būtų paremta ne "nusipirkimu", o konkurenciniu principu, bei galimybės tolygiai protingai paskirstytos įvairioms lygoms (ne tik aukščiausiai lygai).

Taip pat manau 7 punktas yra labai įdomus (jeigu teisingai suprantu tokiu būdu būtų galima labiau pagyvinti mažesniųjų bendruomenių krepšinio rinkas, bei tikėtis didesnio žaidimo naujokų antplūdžio jose).

9 punktas taip pat būtų labai įdomus ir aktualus, bet čia norėtųsi irgi plačiau išdirbto modelio aprašymo su kažkokiais apribojimais.

5 punkto atnaujinimų manau tikrai daug kas laukia, tad šis punktas irgi būtų įdomus.
-- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
7! Definitely with Artemix on that one - this would benefit small communities the very most. A federation league would mean much more fun plus the possibility of having players from every federation country as inlanders would greatly help. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Noretusi kad butu galima perpikt zaideja is komandos i kita aisku tai daug daryt bet butu idomu :D -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
PlayOffs in YL sounds not so bad. I just saying, that YL competition have no point, like friendly games. I would love more realistic tournament -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Problem YL has is lowest league - what to do with teams that join in the middle of the season or on playoffs?

Also youth team main goal is to grow young talents for the main team. Even in real life, youth teams are placed in leagues so young guys would get playing time and learn the system basketball club has.
-- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
+1 I think the draft idea would be cool if the investments in the draft worked similarly to standings in the NBA. Maybe the top 8 teams that invest have equal chance to get the #1 pick, only the first 8 are drawn, the rest in order of the amount invested. The 9th most invested should have only a slightly less chance than the 8th and then so on down the line like the NBA draft. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Each WL competes with itself like popularity and each team starts at zero on day 1. -- 68 S 63 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
8 6 3 -- 69 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
For draft sustentable, buzzerbeater should be a good modelo. Selección order opposite yo standings like NBA, and invest Will help to scouts Player. I do not like your idea the coach, with your sustentable top and richest teams gets the best players -- 69 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
My order: 3>8>7>6>9>1-2>5-4

Although, most of them are cool.
-- 69 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
7. Changes in national leagues
Currently the system of national leagues is quite bad.
Because of small countries we had to remove financial factor. And now we have situation that nobody wants to play in strong national league. So in Lithuania teams try to lose and not reach the strongest league.

I can`t tell yet how everything should work, because there are many things to think and discuss.
In case this is what users wants - we will try to review all our ideas written on this topic and discuss this with users.

One of the way is:
- restoring financial aspect, where the strongest league will bring teams more money
- give possibility to choose the "path" for each federation:
a. Federation has its own league.
b. Federation does not have leagues at all. In this case their national leagues will be the same as of "global federation". So I assume all small countries could play together in one "big" national league.

The other way is a bit more difficult:
1. delete all national leagues.
2. federations, countries, can create some sort of "private leagues".
3. teams can join the league they choose (if the league's "settings" allow).
4. finances in that league will depend on the league's strength (average strength of the teams)

About Drafts:
I am not sure if we need to add lottery by random here. This adds more complexity for both - users and us (to create). But I don`t have "strict" opinion here. So this is debatable.
And yes I also think that after each season everything should start from zero.

I don`t think that we will follow this way. We have very different game. In BasketPulse teams choose strategy how to form their teams. Some teams do more trades, some pay more time in market and some teams invest in finding new players. I think that is OK.
After this update even with investing money teams will not be able to get many super talents in one season. And teams that don't invest at all will be able to get something good.
So the money impact for getting talent will be smaller.

Overall this is a huge update and we will need to decide many important things:
1. how many and how "good" talents we can create with regular "scouts' " system
2. how much information we should provide in the drafts about players.
3. where we can involve credits to help maintaining the game without making much harm to the balance of the game.
4. what will be the future of basketball schools (can we use drafts for students as well?)
And so on....
-- 69 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Just make prize money for all 12 NL teams and it will work fine. -- 69 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Do that 8-10 potential players would have 10% chance of being cosch after they end their career. -- 69 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
agree with benislovas of having all 12 NL teams rewarded; financially it still won't be the same as finishing 3rd in NL2.1 and 10th in NL1.1 but still some income compared to 0 that 9-12th get -- 69 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Agree with NL problem, balance the finances paid. Pay all 12 places at some rate where even finishing around 8th yields about same as 1st in lower league. I got more for finishing 4th in USA1 than 2nd in WL3. ( disclaimer: I have no idea total monies paid, but there should be a way to make it work ) -- 69 S 2 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Don't you think, that draft sistem can bring to the game more tanking teams? My point is, I achieved top16 (i am average team, and have no chance to fight for title), firing expensive players and start spend money for scouting. I believe, there will be some teams who will start tanking at te start of season, they don't try to win and spend all money for scouting players. I just thinkig... -- 69 S 2 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Evinelis but then they have the potential to demote to a lower league where they would get less money -- 69 S 2 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Regarding 7.:

I agree with others that 1-12 should get money in the NL.

Also of the league options for federations I like the one where federations can form their own league the best (by voting). It would have to be the same countries in it though for, say, 5 seasons perhaps, to guarantee some continuity.
-- 69 S 2 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Another measure to support small communities would be to attribute a +10% scouting bonus for every country under 15 active users. Not for the Users from that country, but for every other country scouting that country (so Poland gets +10% for Germany and Germany +10% for Poland, but Germany not 10% for Germany). This way the player pool of smaller countries could be enlarged at least a bit, also making those country's NTs more competitive. New trade targets for smaller countries would come up this way (and also a few options more on the Markets). -- 69 S 2 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I totally agree with RaZeev. And it is not only problem of our nations but of almost all little nations, who have no support.And now we don't have for example national team u-16 and nations like Malta or Columbia (practically without users) play in main National u-16. -- 69 S 2 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
My three choices: 6-7-4. And I'll like to have the possibility to improve my home arena (paying credits, of course), it permits a better managing of income from the matches. Point 7 for smaller communities will be worth creating regional leagues instead of NL (something like ABA league) so their team will have more competitive matches and can grow more rapidly. -- 69 S 4 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Su varikliuku yra viena didelė problema, kuri mane nervina. Labai dažnai, prasidėjus paskutinei rungtynių minutei mano žaidėjas meta į krepšį vidury atakos, nors jam nustatyta nemesti iš tos padėties visai. Šitas mane žudo. Nežinau, kaip kitiems, bet norėčiau, kad bent jau šitas būtų sutvarkytas. -- 69 S 5 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
+2 back to the investment and lottery idea. The thing Stormtrooper, is if something like this is followed, the top 8 teams that invest would only have around 6% chance of getting the top pick. There is a risk/reward. The 29 through 32 team ranking in investment would have a 0.5 % Not much of a great difference between 0.5% and 6% and also teams can choose to save money (too much talent already) or spend it. They can spend money on other sectors or save it. It would be a high risk in that you could invest the most but still just a 50/50 chance of getting a pick #1 through #8. It makes it into a little bit of a gamble #1 through #8 or spend in the middle, save money for other things (players in the market) and get a player with the 13-16th pick. I believe it would add a new wrinkle for sure strategically in what to do with the money. -- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
top investor would have a 48% chance at a top 8 pick, and a 52% chance at a pick between 9 and 16. -- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Lottery would be for picks #1 through #8 and then order of investment thereafter. -- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Can someone explain how it should work in lower divisions, like 7wl,where is only 2-4 active teams. Is in here will be same quality of drafted players like as in 2wl? Good rookie will be expensive doesn't it hurts 7 wl teams finances? -- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Maybe it should begin from 5wl ? Or player should have enough rank to participate in drafts.. -- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Nu draftai butu neblogai bet manau reiktu tobulinti varikliuka ( nes gliucina pastoviai po 2-3 tuos pacius aprasymus is eiles arba po 3 blokus tas pats tam paciam.... bego bego apvirto pamete kamuoli .... ( siaip reiktu ivest matomus zaideju nuovargio procentus varzybu metu rungtyniu eigos aprasyme ir suteikti funkcija atlikti patiems keitimus zaideju stebint varzybas... randomas nedaug skiriasi nuo condono.... -- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
to get a draft pick, I think should be sent reminder to participate (confirm participating) so in lower divisions, inactive teams would be skipped and active teams could get higher picks.

ronvys nesąmonė su tais "stebiu ir atlieku keitimus". Kiti negali, o jeigu viena iš komandų žiūri, jau automatiškai įgauna pranašumą prieš varžovą. Gi buvo apie tai diskutuota forumuose.

O dėl varikliuko tobulinimo - kol kas geriau palikti, nes kai prie jo prisilies, dar daugiau problemų iškils :D
-- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I really don't understand what you want to achieve with this draft.
Every team, from WL1 to WL5 needs new players every few seasons, to replace the current ones.
If these players are not available on the Free Agent market (as it is in real life), we need to breed them. Grow them. That's currently a big part of the playing experience here in BP, as opposed to other games where players are trained by the AI.

So, what's the idea here?
Only the bottom 8 teams will draft a pot10?
and top 8 will choose among pot6 only?
If so, in a matter of one generation, the leaders will be relegated being unable to field a competent team for the league their are playing.

Is everyone going to have one pot10 every year, in the first round?
If so, the weaker teams will draft all the Centers, and top teams will be left playing with 5 PGs.

I don't understand how a draft can be made work in an environment like here.
It works in the NBA, all american professional sports, because they are a closed league, with no relegations.
It is done on purpose, so that most of the franchises can compete for the title every so many years.
But here, with relegations, if a franchise loses its core players and there is no replacement ready, it will fall, for AWHILE. Maybe 2 or 3 leagues down.
What's the fun in that?

I can foresee many people leaving the game, distraught.
Correct me if I'm wrong...
-- 69 S 8 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I noted your suggestion about prizes for all teams. I don`t think that it will help much, but it is worth considering.

This update (drafts) will increase good players' amount in the market, because players from drafts will not be "scouted", so more of them will go to the market.

Players will not be the same quality in all leagues! Each league will provide players depending on its division. Higher division means better players. But the goal is to create possibility to get decent players in all divisions.

I don`t agree, I think when a team does not select players, it should get the best RT or potential player automatically...
There can be situations when user has a good draft number, but unexpectedly can not login for a few days... so we should try to make less harm in such cases.
-- 69 S 10 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
a-darius: I am pretty sure it would help. I would rather fight in higher league trying to get more money when I know that I could end up getting less. But surely I can not risk not to get nothing at all, so will choose to lurk in lower. -- 69 S 10 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
"Players will not be the same quality in all leagues! Each league will provide players depending on its division. Higher division means better players..."

- Won't it make a bigger gap between higher and lower league teams? Won't it be a lot harder to survive in new league after promotion?
-- 69 S 10 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
a-darius: agreeing with benislovas, rather fight in higher NL for more money even not making the PO there if there was rewards for 9-12; Now it's financially difficult and better to stay out of higher NL if your team cannot compete there -- 69 S 10 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
For Lithuania yes but the problem is a bit bigger. There are many leagues that have only 1-3 good teams.. So at some point we will need to re-make these leagues completely.

I think the opposite. One of the main point of the drafts is that when team goes to the upper league, it will get good drafts' position.
So such teams will be able to increase their strength faster.
The players in the draft will be not only "future talents". Also there will be players with very good RT but bad potential or health.
So if a team needs a player for this season it will be able to choose a player that can play right now.

Also do not forget that now also the best talents are in top leagues. And that is OK. The problem is that new teams that come to leagues should be more competitive. With more players going to the market and ability to strengthen a team over drafts, I hope that will be easier.
-- 69 S 10 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Your ideas seems to be good at that poit of wiev, as I see that it's very hard to survive first season after promotion to WL2 or WL1, but here comes the question - what would be salary for those stronger players who will be able to play in that league already, as for example - the higher league we go, usually the higher difference of salary comparing to minimal is payed. I mean won't it change all the market?
Also there should be overthought the situation, that some teams every season drops to lower league, so increasing higher leagues competition may result in very hard/near impossible promotion for lower leagues teams.

The second question which comes out is:
in previous messages you wrote that draft positions should be selected by the investments quantity for scouting. But I think that makes no sense anymore if we are starting to talk about possibility to draft older, better players in draft system too. what do you think?
-- 69 S 10 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
nustokite su tais draftais. Gausis tik daugiau bedu. su mainais nesusitvarko, o dar nori kosmoso. tai dabar man kristi per lygas, kad kildamas gauciau drafta gera? 0 logikos. jau isivaizduoju dzoni, mirza, 6 wl, kad vel pakilti ir gauti drafta. proto bokstai.... -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
swechias biški garini su tom 6 lygom :) -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Nėra vieno tobulo varianto, bet dabartinis toli gražu irgi nėra tobulas, kai pasižiūri, kad kai kuriems pasiseka per sezoną iš nemokamo scoutinimo ištrauki du taletus su aukštu potencialu, o tu per penkis žaidimo sezonus neištrauki nė vieno net su 7 potencialu, tai nežinau ar draftai tikrai būtų didesnė blogybė :) Norėtųsi kad būtų daugiau strategijos ir mažiau loterijos. -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Tai gal daugiau pinigų reikėtų skirti scoutinimui ir sumažinti loterijos šansus? :) Anksčiau ar vėliau garantuotą gausi. :) -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Jeigu atkreipsi dėmesį į mano komentarą aš lyginu du žaidėjus kurie traukia nemokamus traukimus. Su mokamais traukimais lygiai taip pat, gali ištraukti suinvestavęs 3000, o gali ištraukti suinvestavęs 160000. Tai ar čia ne loterija? -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Čia tikimybių teorija. Juk į kazino nuėjęs nesiskundi, kad iškrito raudona, nors prieš tai irgi 20 kartų krito raudona. Kiekvienas įvykis atskiras ir nesisumuoja. -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
benislovai, juk apie tai ir buvo kalba, nesirišk tik prie vieno paskutinio komentaro. Mano manymu draftai turėtų sumažinti loteriją ir padidinti strategiją šiuo atžvilgiu. -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
draftai tinka uždarai lygai, o ne tokiom , kur iškrenta komandos. nesuvokiu , kaip jie išmąstys, ar neduos šaukimų iškrentančiom komandos :D nu nelogiška. -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Iš kur ištraukėt, kad neveiktų draftai (nesupraskit nesu nei prieš nei už, manau, kad labai daug reiktų diskutuoti kol išgrynintume šitą produktą). Yra dar vienas online krepšinio menedžeris ir ice hockey menedžeris, kur draftai kuo puikiausiai dirba. Pats jų šiuo metu nežaidžiu, bet viskas ten veikia tikriausiai, jei jie nepraranda populiarumo, tad yra puikių pavyzdžių, jog draftai gali tokioje sistemoje gyvuoti -- 69 S 11 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Hopefully the zoomed in look that we see today on phones is temporary :D. -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
It is horrendous to look at. -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Yes, what happened? It is awfully inconvenient to use basketpulse on mobile. -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Our designer fixed a "small menu issue". In the previous version it was quite difficult to use main menu because it was very small.

Eventually we need to rewrite each page to fit in the screen correctly. "Zooming" is not considered an option for a mobile page..

I am not sure if we are going to revert recent changes, but you can write which concrete pages should be prioritized.
-- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Would say training settings/report; Press conference; match page -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Vardinis zaidėjas galėtu tampti vyriausiuoju treneriu kai baige zaidėjo karjera. -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Can you possibly revert to a previous version until you rewrite pages?
I would very much prefer small menu than large everything else haha
Cannot properly set tactics, watch a game, look at statistics, Leagues', scouts', tactics pages are also messed up. Imagine a new team registering and seeing all this amateur design mess...
-- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Yeah this is miserable -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Player’s page is bad too, no longer able to take screen shots -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
To be honest, the previous version was also bad.
I am not sure if this is really worse than before or just different.
Usually we have similar reaction after each update of the game, and quite often after a bit of time most of the users change their opinion.

However, we will revert our last update today.
But basically zooming is considered the worst thing in mobile pages, so we will need to get rid of it.
And without zooming we will not be able to display all information on the screen.
So I feel that the reaction of users will be similar, just because you are used to zooming the game.

What do you think how training page should look like?
The easiest way would be to make something similar as is in "my trades" page:
- show less columns in mobile page
- after user clicks the green button - all information for this player appears.
Will this be ok?
-- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I think that training page its good like it is now. -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
No sorry, I don’t see a “get use to this”. Now I I can see only about a third of the screen that I use to be able to see, I did not have to zoom in previously at all. Now I can’t even see my entire message that I am typing now because most of it shows up in an are that I cannot see. -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Agree -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I’m on my vacation and use only phone, so I want to say, that this zoom is unacceptable! -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
PLEASE fix it! -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Yes, I am happy now :D -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
The live matches can not be watched properly, hope it is reverted to yesterday’s version in short notice... -- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Yes we reverted, but the question remains.

Let`s look at training pages.
We will not be able to have so much information in mobile phones (in the final version we can`t have such small text and controls).
Basically it is either:
1. show less columns. when user click on it show all info for this player (like it is in my trades page)
2. show all columns but use scrolling to the right (like it was today)
3. display information not in a table but as "cards". One player in the screen at the time.

It would be great to get more opinions which way would be the best?
-- 69 S 59 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Really almost scared to answer seeing what I saw this morning :D I just know that keeping it simple to play on the phone should be pretty important. Some managers only use the phone to play, while for me personally, during the day, I only use the phone. -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I dont like this main page, becouse now if i want to read something i need to press and wait for loading, or it is very large and scrolling. Zooming take less time. For me was better to zoom. For me problem is only live match watching. Without zooming is to small for read and after zoom i cant see everything. And if you make large i think that will be not nessecary to zoom but i cant see everything anyway. All other pages looks good. -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I think a beta sample page of possible designs to be tested and voted could be a good solution... -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Zooming is OK for us, just because we are used to this and we know what is where.
For new users zooming is not OK.

Pages with zooming are considered not adapted for mobile phones. And if we want to call ourselves "fit for phones" we have to get rid of zooming.

I don`t think that voting can help, because people never like changes. When we changed market page layout everybody was complaining for a few days..

So the first step for you would be to try "my trades" page and give us the review ;)

What you can`t read in main page? Basically in the main page we have the same information in both mobile and computer versions.
-- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
“Pages with zooming are considered not adapted for mobile phone”
By what industry?

I currently zoom in and out and around on the 99% of web sites I visit.
-- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
“My trades” page design is nice... -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
And I get what you are saying, but you can usually see everything on the screen from left to right on these “fit for mobile” sites. Yesterday it was scroll left to right and then down and then left to right again, then down and so on. These other sites that are “fit for mobile”. I don’t see having to scroll left to right to see everything.

And the my trades page does look great, just not sure how the training page would really look because of a lot more information is entailed in training page so really hard for me to say.
-- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
I agree that website needs changes, but putting 'swipe to the right to read the end of the first line of a message, then swipe left to read the beginning of the second line' doesn't make the page mobile-friendly haha
As I understand, main page is currently the only one finished. And in my opinion, spacing doesn't make any sense there. I attached a set of screenshots from the page. There are vast amounts of blank space which forces you to scroll and scroll and scroll to see the bottom (important) messages. Also, the copyright chunk is not adaptive to different screen resolutions as is the most of the page, hence a blank bit on the right.
So yeah, I guess designer needs to finish some courses before working on this page haha
-- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Results of previuos games -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Trades page seems to be adapting to my screen every time I open it, changes resolution several times but that is what I ultimately end up with:
Not such useful info haha. There is no need to have full date, abbreviations could be used to describe trade status, hence, saving precious space.
-- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Centering is off on the main page from one part to the next as well, National Tournament game is centered, next game and last game to the left, surprise of the day text is off center from the text above it. Today I have visiting coach surprise and the text announcing this is slightly to the right of all text above it. -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Also wondering as far as the wasted space is due to the large images of the calendar and such? Do they need to be in the location that they are in? Can the images be above the text to allow for text to not be so narrow on the main page? -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Format of how things are placed different from the top section of main page as well. -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
by IT industry.
For example, google - if they detect that font is too small - they mark this page as not adapted for mobile.
In most pages I visit I do not need to zoom... only in very old ones that are still not designed for phones.

Yep, sliding right-left is also considered bad for mobile, but sometimes it is used (for example; for wide tables)

About the main page:
There are some issues but our budget is very limited and the game has insane amount of different pages.
Having mixed design (old and new) at the same time increases complexity for each update.
As design is the part that we can`t do ourselves each change is costly. Unfortunately we have to stick with "good enough" attitude, at least until all old pages are replaced. Then we can try to improve new design pages.

So our main goal is not to make one page perfect but to get rid of old design completely. The more "ideas" about how the concrete page should look BEFORE we give it to the designer - the better quality we will have.

So your opinions are very needed. Especially for the old pages - what is important, what is not important. What information is missing. What information we can delete and so on.
As training page is quite simple (compared to tactics) it is a good place to get your opinions and try update it to the new design.

About training page.
First of all, I am not sure if we really need two separate pages: reports and settings. Personally I use only Training->Report page.

If we use similar approach as it is in "my trades" page, then in order to see all information we will need to click "+" for each player... that might be not good.
One of the options is to show everything as "cards". I probably think that this would be the best for training page.
When I use training I don`t compare players, so I prefer to see clear info about one player.
Probably other users use everything differently, so I am not sure if we can find the perfect solution, but let's try to find a good one.
-- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Ei, gražinkit seną dizainą bent mobile versijai. Nu tragedija, kai pusę ekrano užima meniu juostos. -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Well, in my view, for training page we can surely scrap age, height, position columns. Also, there is no point in showing average skill values there. So could really be Name - Shape - Training type - Intensity columns. Pressing on name you could show detailed skills (as in Players' page), but that may not be necessary.

As for report, I would like to see a table of players and their skills as it is now. If if it is not possible due to size issues, I think it would be nice to have a table of Name - Trained skill - Effect of training. Then one could press on a name and see his detailed skills. I would oppose using cards instead of table in the report, as you'd need to manually press 15ish times to see how team has trained while now it only takes a glance.
-- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Wilt100, you using apple? -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Android -- 69 S 60 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Actions with players section is now currently superimposed over player information on player page and over the top of statistics page when looking at specific players statistics. -- 69 S 62 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Another year passed, so what's new? -- 75 S 15 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)