
How did we change the way steals work?
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Nebelyginkit prašau su NBA, jokio net panašumo neturi su NBA :) -- 90 季 20 天
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famas: Eurolyga tokios statistikos neveda tad ir palyginti negalime. Beje lygindami su NBA skaičius sumažiname kad atitiktų 40min rungtynes. -- 90 季 21 天
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Will try to be more careful means that nothing is changed becouse team havent tried enough… -- 90 季 21 天
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I don't think being more careful to avoid deflections is the right course of action. 80% of all deflections result in either kicked balls or the ball going out of bounds. From any real life basketball game I've ever watched, deflections mostly lead to opportunities to steal the ball or possession is retained, the ball doesn't get slapped out of bounds as if it was blocked. To me this is the big discrepancy, more so than the number of deflections.

Also, if I read the article correctly, kicked balls are counted as deflections too? Convert those to just fouls and you have your reduction in deflections already. Then keep deflections from going out of bounds so often and I feel it will be more realistic.
-- 90 季 21 天
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Check the infogram on the amount of deflections: new engine vs old engine vs NBA. -- 90 季 21 天
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"Will try to be more careful....." question how? shouldn't it depend on manager? for example by setting tactics i taking the risk i can loose more balls but create more good situations or i want to be more carefully and create less situations? Now it seams that is not optional.... why? is there anything that left to set by manager? -- 90 季 24 天
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Man tai patinka kai lygina statistikas su NBA. O jūs nepamirštat, kad ten žaidžia 8 minutėmis daugiau nei čia? Neturėtų visko būt atitinkamai mažiau žaidimo varikliuke nustatyta, ar ir toliau lyginsimės su NBA nesvarbu kaip? -- 90 季 28 天
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Visa NBA statistika imama 40min. Matematikaclabai paprasta, gal kitiems kiek per sunki. -- 90 季 28 天
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Tai klausimas kurios NBA 8 minutes minusuojomos, ar gale kai kažkam kažkiek rūpėti pradeda, ar šiaip imamama po trijų kėlinukų plius 4min.
Sekantis klausimas ar NBA per 40 min rezultatai 60-65? 25+ klaidos, ar šita jau iš Eurolygos imat?
Na ir paskutinis ar tikrai kiekvienose rungtynėse tie patys žaidėjai daro po 2-3 tas pačias klaidas, kaip puolime pražangos, 3 sekundės?
-- 90 季 28 天
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Teoriškai NBA remitis būtų negalima ir nelogiška, nes ten yra kitos taisyklės .Gimybos traktavime trys sekundės, pražangų ir žingsnių trktavimas ir tt. Tad pagrindinis šaltinis turėtų būti manau Eurolyga, tačiau eurolyga veda ne visus statistinius duomenis kuriais kaip suprantu norima remtis. Tokiu atveju statistikai turėtų būti naudojami antriniai šaltiniai kuo artimesni pirminiams, šiuo atveju LKL ar ACB , bėda kad jie irgi neveda tokios statistikos. Tad imamas NBA kuris vienintelis veda tokią statistiką ir taip iškraipo visą bendrąją statistiką, nes iamam visiškai skirtingas ginybos sistemas. Žinoma visko sutalpint ir neįmanoma , juk nelabai yra kaip įdėt iššūkio taisyklę, kuri eurolygoj tampa gan svarbi. Ar technines pražangas. nors manau kad tai būtų gan įdomi pataisa kuri galėtų perimt daly random'o procentų. Žodžiu supliekus viską į viena turim ką turim , statistikos chaotinį mixa , bet kaip žinom krepšinis irgi turi daug atmainų pvz šiaurės korėjos kur egzistuoja ir ė tasku metimai . Bet čia tik mano asmeniniai pamastymai, iš S. KIngo serijos, neturintys nieko bendro su realia situacija ir žaidimu -- 90 季 28 天
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Pamuštu kamuoliu neveda, bet statistika yra. Yra periimtu kamuolių statistika, kuri norint ir ieškant yra konkrečiai išreikšta skaičiais "47% of all steals are the result of a defender deflecting or catching passes off the ball" tai jei Eurolygos komanda daro 12 klaidų vidutiniškai (Žalgiris daugiau) iš kurių yra 47% pamuštu kamuoliu ar pagautų perdavimo linijoj. Tai kodėl negalima remtis šituo, o naudoti kažkokia mistine NBA statistika, kuri šiaip jau nėra tokia tiksli būtent dėl paminėtų žaidimo taisykliu skirtumo. Tai gal užteks ieškot sliekų ten kur jų nėra? -- 90 季 28 天
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Būtent tą ir norėju pasakyt, statistiškai gali pagrįst bet ką. O šiaip iš tikro tai tiesiog geras atmazas jei kas nesigauna -- 90 季 28 天
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Minutes pertaukeliu nera, tai su nieko lyginti negali :D nes jos labai daznai pakeicia varzybu tekme -- 90 季 28 天
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Zero4Eight thank you for sharing the stats, I found the full article, we will look into that. Despite that, NBA provides more detailed stats team-by-team that help us understand how much should the steals/deflections vary team-by-team based on the skill. If you were to check previous articles, we usually use NBA and Euroleague to get the full picture.
@Šabas we are happy to make data-driven decisions. If you have better ideas, feel free to share it.
superdzonis yes, time-outs are missing in the game and we will implement it in the future. They are a game-changer in a real-world games, especially in the last two minutes when team can get the ball over to the front-court and we want that in the game too.
-- 90 季 29 天
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I am 100% with the manager that asked "is there anything we as a manager can set left?" The shape is out of our control as taking a player out of the lineup is ridiculous to say the least. You are saying that shape is determined strictly by play time in game ( 40 minutes ) and nothing to do with practices and personal workouts. 40 minutes in a 24 hour day is it? Tactics are no longer any good, how can we tell our SF to guard a particular player that is not the SF? There should be options for that. I feel the game has been drug down to 'simple enough for stupid people' to be honest. -- 90 季 30 天
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TheWizardKs thank you for your message. I see that you have Kirkeby who is the only player on your squad that is out of shape. In the last four out of five games he's got 100% tiredness, I suspect that may be due to team and personal defensive settings. He's got 100% tiredness in the game that your team has won by over a 100 points ( 比赛 I think it is simple enough to manage the tiredness of that players this season via minutes and team/player settings.
Match engine can always be better and it will never be perfect, I can assure you that. If you want your SF to guard other team's non-SF, you may want to play with the positional settings and see how that works out. This is something we can look at in the future but it is not a priority right now.
-- 90 季 30 天
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Bug fix: team turnovers (such as attack time violations) used not to appear in the box score. From now this is fixed, so you will probably see an even bigger amount of turnovers in the box score after matches.
The match engine has not been changed.
P.S. this change is not working in the box score during matches LIVE. So until we have the new matches LIVE page, there will be some difference in amount of turnovers (in LIVE box score and aftermatch box score)
-- 90 季 31 天
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dwayne3 You are right except for the youth team which has over 12 players. They are all the way left now and losing training points daily. It should not be this way. They should be able to stay in shape as they are young and should have practices and workouts daily even if they can not get on the game roster. So they are just screwed. I do appreciate you answering! -- 90 季 33 天
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@ TheWizardKs You have to make choices. If a youth player does not play in the games - he does not improve as fast and gets screwed. -- 90 季 33 天
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dwyane3 Any news about what next update will be? Are we going to review again the shooting % stated in ? -- 90 季 37 天
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How long will it take until we use the ME that is currently in NL? Or what is stopping from doing it so because it seems like it is a big improvement unless I am missing something. -- 90 季 37 天
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fanling3 we work on small bug fixes and small fixes with 2on2. We will share more information when it's finished.
GBuckets We will start using the test engine in WL starting next season. We want to avoid unexpected changes in WL games therefore we finish the season with the engine that we start the season with.
-- 90 季 37 天
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