
-- 85 季 11 天
Lately we had some issues in the community related with trades. We want to post some information about the Fair Play Committee (FPC)
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FPC dės atsistatydinimo pranešimus ant stalo kaip Landsbergis su SKuodžiu. Bet valdžia nepasirašys -- 85 季 11 天
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Not only to review fpc, but also to revoke improper penalties -- 85 季 11 天
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Currently FPC has 3 members which teams have been created in the season 80 or later. Does such new users really able to decide what is fair and what is not when they are just learning and trying to understand the subtleties and nuances of this game?
Besides, none of those teams played higher than 5wl. I don't think they are ready to be in such responsible position.

Also I believe FPC members should have open voting (only in their group)
-- 85 季 11 天
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FPC should contain only with players who actively trade, has experience in playing in 1-2 WL. Doesn't make sense, that 4-5WL , even 3WL decides if its right or not for 1WL club to rebuild or not. It's bs system. -- 85 季 11 天
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i agree evinelis view -- 85 季 11 天
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How are federations chosen for be in FPC ? I beleve GreenJu ask one place for French community.
More information about a cancel trade is very important. Maybe, it will be better if one member of FPC take time to ask more informations about a trade to a manager or 2 managers. Sometime, a manager know he "loses" in a trade but, if he loses, he has a reason to do this trade.
-- 85 季 11 天
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I take it as true that out of 14 FPC members 3 play in low wl. I don't see anything wrong with it, there are always the other 11 more experienced ones.
Some who play in low wl is because they have reopened the team, but they have been playing for some time.
-- 85 季 11 天
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Evinėlio faktas wow! Čia palyginimas kaip seime darželinukai sėdėtų. Von juos lauk iš ten. -- 85 季 11 天
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由联盟志愿者或管理员隐藏的新闻信息 -- 85 季 11 天
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Bijau, Žolininkas, kad mirė net KGB, tiksliau pakeitė pavadinimą, o vat FPC pergyvens ir mane ir tave, šitame žaidime... :) -- 85 季 11 天
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Obviously the only thing Darius cares about is his finances and not fighting cheaters -- 85 季 11 天
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Tenka sutikti su evineliu, FPC nėra mokymų bazė žaidimo naujokams. T. y. neturėtų būti... Ar ne? -- 85 季 11 天
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Kur rasti informacija kaip pasikelti ''mainų lygį'' ? -- 85 季 12 天
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FPC is kind of unnecessary but oh well. A lot of players on the game try to make unfair trades or convince people to make bad decisions. If you’re not reading what players are saying in their private messages, it’s impossible to make good decisions. Similarly to when the trade of Chris Paul to the Lakers was Vetoed by the NBA in 2011, that hurt the league and the players involved. The FPC doesn’t take into account the actual likes and wants of some of the players and that hurts the gameplay. Some of the decisions the FPC makes aren’t beneficial to the players and trades that help both teams are instead reverted. It’s not ideal in any way, but it’s not like I’m opposed to the idea of keeping the game fair. Not everyone is capable of comprehending what’s fair, sadly. -- 85 季 12 天
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Nobody remembers why the FPC was created or born? Now we all protest, as it happened before, it is better to close the game so that we are all happy, let those who really try to work for free for this game, happy new year -- 85 季 12 天
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My understanding is that FPC should appear as a legislature, not as a law enforcer. Law enforcement should be carried out systematically and automatically in accordance with existing laws. What FPC should do is to study how to improve the rules, rather than appear as a dictator. -- 85 季 12 天
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kkdraugai - paprastiems mirtingiesiems daugiau 7 lygio negalima pasikelti. -- 85 季 12 天
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Me parece que aca todavia creen en Papa Noel, esta es una fuente de ingreso para Darius y Ramune. No es beneficencia. El juego se esta cayendo a pedazos desde hace un tiempo (le pasa a todos los juegos cuando se cumplen los ciclos) y tanto Darius como Ramune tratan de estirar al maximo su existencia para poder seguir cobrando dinero. No existe ninguna posibilidad que Darius tome acciones en contra de aquellos que pagan para jugar y el que no lo vea asi, seguramente sigue creyendo en Papa Noel. Esto es por plata, todo lo que vaya en contra de los ingresos de Darius y Ramune sera vetado sin importar si es verdadero o falso. Hace varios años que sigo en el juego (no puedo decir que sigo jugando, solo tengo mi equipo abierto) y ha sido una constante en los ultimos 3 años como minimo.... Suerte y exitos para todos... -- 85 季 53 天
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I've been in the game since season 26, and I was only 4 days in the FPC. Kicked in the ass without warning, then they put practically new players, beautiful . -- 85 季 54 天
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what, what do i miss again? Telemundo pressenta, released new show? Dam i knew it .... i knew i should stay online...what happened? who felt from the stairs ? Who lost the memory ? Who is the father... com on guys tell me .......? and for the there is always rules and way to bypass some rules . There is always every where , and everybody have same conditions. Of course there should be some fuses , to eliminate that possibility to minimum. FPC is one of them , i'm not saying that they work perfect, but instead of empty critic it would be nice to have samples with the offers how to avoid the situation instead to going in personalities. For example situation that is going with the salaries that everybody is discussing and not happy about it , my suggestion would be to make changes that it's possible to extend contract with the player during the season while it's not finished but only after third week finishes . So there is still possibility to extend contact and trade player , but we avoiding situation that we have now , when everyone signing huge contracts and not paying it once, because on the first day extending . whola problematic situation - offered solution ....please all do the same poblem - solution. " I don"t undesrand " - its not the global problem, it's your personal problem. The same is " I dont like it " "i lost something" " something get something better " see it in the global contest and feel the difference . Want different community ? Create one , at least with offering solutions instead of whining -- 85 季 54 天
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hahahaha tai blogiau nei kruviniausia muilo opera istorijoje. Deja, drauge, tu žinojai, kad labai mumis rūpinaisi, bet kaip bendruomenė privalome veikti. Nuo šio momento bet kokios Argentinos tenelovelės sklaida yra draudžiama. Jie nebegalės matytis Natalijos Oreiro. vaisingas voras nei bet koks.chiquititas charakteris. deja, taip nutiko didžiosioms įmonėms. pasirūpink, kad žinotum, kad tai skleisi lietuvių bendruomenėje -- 85 季 54 天
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Did not understood what you had in mind. But actualy not realy care. Oh well... When you have something smart to say feel free to contact me in personal. It's not neseceary for everybody to listen our bulshit. But One condition "something smart to say" because only reply for the fool is the silence -- 85 季 54 天
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Be careful Šabas, you will also be included in the list of “cheaters” and their “friends” -- 85 季 55 天
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Justas when you reach my age you just don't give a bubukas about some things. I know how it is, and what others thinks its just not my problem -- 85 季 55 天
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I am not Justas or Julius. I am your good old friend lape ;) -- 85 季 55 天
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Ups sorry my bad:)kaip sakė viena gera vaikiška knygelė. "laimė yra lapė" -- 85 季 55 天
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Tu cia apie “Mažajį princà”? Nesitikejau, kad Egziuperi gali taip nuvertint, nes toje knygoje yra zodziai apie draugyste (kur lape berniukui) sako: “jei nori mane prisijaukinti, reikia draugauti. Kas yra draugyste, - paklause berniukas. Lape atsake: dabar as tau esu tik viena is tukstancio lapiu, o tu man vienas is tukstancio kitu tokiu pat berniuku, bet jei mane prisijaukinsi as tau busiu vienintele tokia lape, o tu man vienintelis toks berniukas (cituoju is atminties)”. Patikek tai labai net nevaikiska mintis… :) -- 85 季 55 天
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Neee tikrai ne apie mažąjį princą. Yra tokia lietuviška knyga- vaikiška vadinasi "laimė yra lapė" aišku jai įtaką irgi ryškiai mątosi Egziuperi padaręs. Bet labai nebloga. Yra ir suaugusiam ką pasiimt, nors atrodo labai banali ir primityvi. O mažąjį princą gal koki 100 kart skaičiau, nebūtina cituot, nes vis tiek kas svarbiausia liks akim nematoma ;) -- 85 季 55 天
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Čia labiau tiktų parašyti - Intelygentas, a tu turi vaikų? Vat kai turėsi tada žinosi šitą knygą ;) -- 85 季 56 天
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Deja, ne... :( -- 85 季 56 天
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There should be specific provisions to determine whether the transaction is illegal. Instead of punishing the transaction based on the subjective judgment of 10 members. -- 85 季 56 天
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it's a game. chill -- 85 季 57 天
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