
Icon 交易/租借球员: Otto K & AS CBM
-- 68 季 10 天
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交易完成后效力新球队 -- 68 季 10 天
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交易完成后效力新球队 -- 68 季 10 天
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接受交易报价 -- 68 季 10 天
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Maurito, con esos mensajes la gente se confunde y aparecen los denunciados seriales -- 68 季 11 天
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交易被公平竞争委员会撤销 -- 68 季 12 天
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Increíble... -- 68 季 12 天
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Unbelievable, this young trade committe needs help -- 68 季 12 天
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Revierten el trade y Hen hoy no puede jugar..... -- 68 季 12 天
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Sancionan por una regla no escrita y por pura interpretación. Una vergüenza. No existe comité en el mundo que tenga tal facultad -- 68 季 12 天
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Es una gran vergüenza lo que ha hecho el comité, falta de criterio, escaso conocimiento del motor del juego y por sobre todo, una interpretación pobre de la justicia -- 68 季 12 天
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Just avoid TRADES and your team will have no troubles.
That's what Muli do.
Just avoid trades
-- 68 季 12 天
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Just avoid playing the game and Your team will not have troubles -- 68 季 12 天
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Un año para rediseñar el sistema de cambios, incluso mucho de nosotros colaboramos con dinero para colaborar con la actualización. Dicho esto el sistema de cambios es realmente muy malo, porque el cambio que no presenta inconvenientes para el sistema del juego lo encuentra de manera subjetiva por usuarios del juego que desconocemos quienes son ni tampoco que normas o criterios tienen para juzgar sobre los mismos. Esto es un juego esta claro pero estamos entrando en un sistema muy delicado, la subjetividad, la falta de claridad y la no comunicación de criterios torna al juego poco claro. -- 68 季 12 天
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El dueño del juego debe intervenir de manera inmediata en estas cuestiones, quitan las ganas de seguir jugándolo realmente se puede tornar cuanto menos arbitrario, se juzga y se sanciona sin pautas ni normas establecidas,solo por criterios subjetivos es delicado aun siendo un juego. -- 68 季 12 天
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Reglas claras. Confiar en señores iluminados Nunca ha dado resultado -- 68 季 12 天
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The biggest problem is that we don`t have a system how to improve restriction level.
As I am significantly behind all my plans, probably we should go with temporary solution:
In the end of season all teams that have restriction level < 6 (or 7) will get +1.

So if team gets one rejection in the season there will be no harm as the level will be restored.
-- 68 季 12 天
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Darius The problem is that Ariel and I were sanctioned by an unwritten rule. In addition to the fact of reversing a trade not forbiden -- 68 季 12 天
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Darius why I was punish if I did not broke any rule? Punish the cheaters -- 68 季 12 天
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o kodėl nepasikels tiems , kurių pradinis reitingas 5 yra ? nieko nenusižengi, bet būsi tam pačiam lygį su anuliuotaisiais. -- 68 季 12 天
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Hen played the last 2 seasons on one of the best teams of the game but now is unuseless because he is 33 yo. He has 12 3p and 12 experience -- 68 季 12 天
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It is not easy to tell who is cheater and who is not cheater. Sometimes trades are "near the line".

Before few seasons I examined trades reports and punished only when I was 100% sure that this is cheating. Community was not happy with this.

FTC is not only about cheating. FTC is about good trades.
If FTC decides that trade is not good - trade is reverted and teams get -1 to restriction level
If FTC decides that teams are definitely cheaters - they advice administration to give bigger punishment.

Even NBA sometimes blocks trades when they think that they are bad
-- 68 季 12 天
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One thing is to block a trade and other to punish with non written rule. And ths is not the NBA, its just a game. The FTC cant punish using a subjective paramether -- 68 季 12 天
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You were not punished -- 68 季 12 天
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Let's end the discussion about this particular trade here. I wrote with several Argentinian managers explaining for literally hours the reasoning behind reverting this particular trade. It was a majority decision, intersubjectively decided upon looking at the data available and provided. At some point the complaining about a particular decision has to stop.

In regards to a general adjustment to the trade system (increasing the lvl at the end of the season; eliminating automatic lvl decreasing) I and others in the FTC are with you and we are tackling this. But please stop crying and calling the FTC names and stupid. We do the best we can, investing quite some time to make sure we take the right decision. I really have the biggest respect for the Argentinian community, but shaming us publicly is not going to help nobody.
-- 68 季 12 天
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darius my restriccion level now is 5 instead of 6. Thats a punishment -- 68 季 12 天
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razeev thx for your help and for anwser my messages -- 68 季 13 天
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I have the best respect for you RaZeev, I have heard you and understand your position.
I would like to say tons of things regarding this unfortunate judgment of the committee, were the only damaged were Killamill and Me, all things under transparent arguments and demonstrating (in many ways) the bad judgment the FTC have done. But I have to be honest, you have earned my respect in our talks, so I will stop this topic and I really hope the community will do the same.
-- 68 季 13 天
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darius -- 01-25
You were not punished --

Come on Darius, being the owner and development of this game, you can not say that
-- 68 季 13 天
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